May 16, 2024

A Dog’s Incredible Journey: Racing to Safety After a Terrifying Car Crash

A Dog's Incredible Journey: Racing to Safety After a Terrifying Car Crash


A Fateful Day at the Park

Aries, a clever three-year-old Pitbull mix, had always been Melissa Fickel’s loyal companion ever since she adopted her from a Detroit shelter. On what seemed like an ordinary day, Melissa and Aries were on their way to the park to enjoy some fresh air and playtime. Suddenly, out of nowhere, another car crashed into theirs. The impact was minor, but Aries, startled by the loud noise, leaped out of the car window and bolted away.

Melissa, who had to stay to deal with the police and insurance, was deeply worried. She couldn’t stop thinking about the possible dangers Aries might face out there alone. “I can’t really think about it because so many things could’ve happened,” Melissa shared, her voice filled with concern. Aries could have easily run into traffic or encountered other dangers. But Aries had other plans.

Despite the chaos, Aries’s sharp instincts kicked in. She remembered a place that always felt safe to her – a place just a mile down the road. This haven was none other than Hounds Town – Detroit Metro doggy daycare. Aries had visited this daycare frequently and knew it as a sanctuary.

Without any hesitation, Aries made her way to Hounds Town. Her swift decision and strong memory would soon lead her to safety and back into the arms of her loving owner.

A Dog's Incredible Journey: Racing to Safety After a Terrifying Car Crash-1
Source: WXYZ Detroit

Quick-Thinking Aries Looking For Help

As Aries sprinted towards Hounds Town, the staff inside were completely unaware of the drama unfolding outside. It was around noon, and they were enjoying a brief break in the front lobby. Suddenly, they noticed a black blur darting towards the front door. It was Aries, desperate and determined, trying to get inside the daycare she knew so well.

The surveillance footage captured Aries’s frantic arrival. She jumped up and down, her eyes filled with fear and hope. One of the employees stepped outside and saw the familiar face of Aries, panting and visibly scared. Recognizing her instantly, the daycare owner, Travis Ogden, welcomed her inside.

“She was like, ‘this is where I go and this is where I stay.’ She just seemed like she knew what to do,” Ogden told the local news. Aries had followed her instincts, guided by the familiar scents and sights of the daycare. She had found her safe haven.

A Dog's Incredible Journey: Racing to Safety After a Terrifying Car Crash-1
Source: WXYZ Detroit

Inside the daycare, Aries began to calm down. The initial shock and fear started to fade as she realized she was in a familiar and secure place. Meanwhile, back at the accident site, Melissa’s worry was growing with each passing minute.

Safe at the Daycare

As Aries settled in at Hounds Town, Melissa’s phone rang. It was a call she had been desperately hoping for. Travis Ogden’s voice on the other end brought a wave of relief. “Luckily then he called me and said ‘she’s here,’ and I literally sank to the ground,” Melissa recounted, her voice trembling with emotion.

Aries’s quick thinking and the daycare’s swift response had averted what could have been a tragic situation. Melissa rushed to Hounds Town, her heart pounding with anticipation. When she finally reunited with Aries, the relief and joy were overwhelming.

A Dog's Incredible Journey: Racing to Safety After a Terrifying Car Crash-1
Source: WXYZ Detroit

Melissa hugged Aries tightly, feeling grateful for her pet’s intelligence and bravery. Aries, in turn, seemed comforted and happy to be back with her owner. The bond between them had only grown stronger through this ordeal.

Aries’s story is a testament to the incredible instincts and loyalty dogs possess. It’s a reminder of the deep connection between pets and their owners, and the lengths they’ll go to protect each other.

The Reunion

Back at home, Aries quickly returned to her old self. Her love for car rides remained unshaken despite the accident. Melissa and Aries resumed their daily routines, enjoying each other’s company and the simple pleasures of life.

A Dog's Incredible Journey: Racing to Safety After a Terrifying Car Crash-1
Source: WXYZ Detroit

Reflecting on the incident, Melissa couldn’t help but feel immense pride and gratitude. “So many things could have gone wrong, but thankfully, Aries is one smart dog who knows how to keep herself and her owner safe,” she said with a smile.

Aries’s incredible journey to Hounds Town showcased not only her intelligence but also the strong bond she shared with Melissa. It’s a story of resilience, quick thinking, and the unwavering love of a pet for its owner.

Their story has touched the hearts of many, serving as a beautiful reminder of the extraordinary relationships we share with our pets. Aries and Melissa’s adventure will be a tale they cherish forever, a testament to the power of love and loyalty.


  • AriaQuantum

    Amazing story! But how did Aries manage to get out of the car window in the first place?

  • Does Aries have any special training or was this just pure instinct?

  • I’m so glad Aries made it to safety. How long did it take for Melissa to find out where she was?

  • SkylarEmpyreal

    Are you sure this really happened? Seems a bit too perfect to be true.

  • This is such a heartwarming tale. Thank you for sharing it! ❤️

  • xavier_cipher

    Wow, what an incredible story! How did Aries know exactly where to go? 🐾

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