July 8, 2024

A Foster Mom’s Astonishing Discovery: Her Rescue Dog’s Unexpected Trait

A Foster Mom’s Astonishing Discovery: Her Rescue Dog’s Unexpected Trait


The Dog With An Unusual Habit

From the very first day Dolly entered the shelter, it was evident she was a gentle soul. Although she was already house-trained, something peculiar kept her from being adopted quickly. Days turned into weeks, and Dolly remained at the shelter. The volunteers at City of Buffalo Animal Shelter couldn’t understand why.

One possible reason was the black dog syndrome, a phenomenon where dark-colored dogs are overlooked because they are perceived as less attractive or more dangerous. This couldn’t be further from the truth; after all, every dog deserves a loving home. Despite this, Dolly was fortunate to find a foster mom.

When Katie welcomed Dolly into her home, she was met with a shy and reserved dog. However, with patience and love, Katie managed to bring out the best in Dolly. Over time, Dolly blossomed into a confident and happy dog, thriving in her foster home.

Katie soon discovered something unique about Dolly. This sweet dog had a peculiar habit: she loved to hold hands, or more accurately, paws. It started with training Dolly to give her paw, but it soon became a constant gesture for attention and affection.

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Source: Facebook

Paw In Hand Makes A Difference

The issue of black dog syndrome extends beyond Buffalo, affecting shelters across the country. It’s time to break these misconceptions and adopt dogs regardless of their color, breed, or background. Shelter statistics reveal a grim reality: many dogs never get a second chance.

In states like New York, the saving rate for shelter animals is relatively high at 90.6%, but places like Texas and California see much lower rates around 76.7%. Dogs like Dolly are rare; not many get the opportunity to find a loving foster home that works tirelessly for their future.

Dolly is indeed one of the lucky ones. She has someone who provides her with endless cuddles, treats, and a secure environment to thrive. Most importantly, she has someone to hold her paw, offering her the emotional support she craves.

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Source: Facebook

Think about the countless dogs who never experience such love and support. Will you be the one to make a difference? Offering a paw in hand could change a dog’s life forever.

Empathy and Action

It’s heartbreaking to realize how many dogs are overlooked due to baseless myths like the black dog syndrome. Every dog, regardless of their appearance, has a heart full of love to give. Dolly’s story is a testament to the power of fostering and the change it can bring to a dog’s life.

Katie’s discovery of Dolly’s unique habit highlights the deep bond that can form between a dog and a caring human. Dolly’s insistence on holding hands is her way of seeking comfort and connection, showcasing how much dogs crave human affection.

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Source: Facebook

For Katie, this journey has been rewarding. Seeing Dolly transform from a timid dog into a lively, confident companion has been a fulfilling experience. Katie’s dedication proves that a little love and patience can go a long way in a rescue dog’s life.

As we reflect on Dolly’s story, it’s a call to action for all of us. Every dog deserves a chance to find a loving home where they can feel safe and cherished. Will you be the one to extend a helping hand to a dog in need?

Final Thoughts

Rescue dogs like Dolly remind us of the resilience and love that these animals possess. Despite the challenges they face, their capacity for affection and loyalty is unwavering. Dolly’s story encourages us to look beyond appearances and offer our support to those who need it most.

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Source: Facebook

By fostering or adopting, you can make a significant impact on a dog’s life. Providing a safe and loving environment can help them overcome their fears and flourish. Dolly’s transformation is proof of the incredible difference a caring human can make.

Consider visiting your local shelter and opening your heart to a dog in need. Each animal has a unique story and a vast potential for love. Your support can change their world, offering them the chance to experience joy and companionship.

Remember, a paw in your hand can create a bond that lasts a lifetime. Will you be the one to make that connection? Together, we can ensure that every dog finds their furever home, filled with love and support.


  • Why do people still believe in these myths about black dogs? It’s so frustrating!

  • EllaDreamwalker

    Thank you for fostering and giving Dolly a chance. It’s inspiring to see such dedication. ❤️

  • KatherineRadiance

    LOL, my dog always tries to hold my hand too! Seems like Dolly has a lot of love to give. 😄

  • This is heartwarming but also very sad about the black dog syndrome. How can we help raise awareness?

  • Does anyone else have a dog with a unique habit like Dolly’s? I’d love to hear more stories!

  • SadieRaven

    I’m so happy for Dolly! Black dog syndrome is so unfair. Thank you for sharing this!

  • madelynphoenix1

    What an amazing story! How long did it take for Dolly to start holding paws? 🐾

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