May 20, 2024

A Foster Mom’s Unexpected Morning Surprise Will Melt Your Heart

A Foster Mom's Unexpected Morning Surprise Will Melt Your Heart


A Surprising Foster Journey

When Kaitlin Devoto decided to foster a dog, she knew very little. She didn’t even know if the dog was male or female. The first time she saw the dog was when she picked it up in Cincinnati. It was a moment of pure curiosity and excitement.

At the New York pickup center, Kaitlin spotted a lovely red poodle. The dog seemed to be producing milk, which Kaitlin thought was due to a recent litter. She wasn’t too surprised, as it’s common for puppy mill moms to still be lactating when they are rescued.

The poodle appeared to be very thin, as if it hadn’t had a proper meal in a long time. Kaitlin knew she could help. She took the poodle home, determined to provide it with the nutrition and care it desperately needed.

Little did she know, this was just the beginning of an incredible journey. Kaitlin was about to discover something that would change everything for her and the poodle.

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Source: Kaitlin Devoto via The Dodo

An Unexpected New Arrival

Just four days into fostering, Kaitlin woke up to a surprising discovery. There, in the dog bed, was a tiny puppy. The momma dog had given birth overnight without Kaitlin even realizing it! She quickly checked to see if more puppies were on the way but found only one.

Realizing the momma and her new baby needed comfort, Kaitlin grabbed some blankets and made a cozy spot for them. She wanted to make sure they both felt safe and warm in their new environment.

When she took a closer look at the puppy, she noticed he was small and adorable, resembling a little chicken nugget. Naturally, she named him Chicky Nug. Now, she just needed to come up with a fitting name for the mom.

In keeping with the theme, Kaitlin decided to name the mom Mickey D. It was a cute and playful choice that matched the tiny puppy’s name perfectly. Now, the little family was complete.

A Foster Mom's Unexpected Morning Surprise Will Melt Your Heart-1
Source: Kaitlin Devoto via The Dodo

Growing Up Fast

Time flew by, and the tiny puppy, Chicky Nug, grew quickly. He became very playful, often seen running around and doing zoomies. Kaitlin noticed he loved biting toes and playing with toys, showing just how full of energy he was.

Mickey D also started to come out of her shell. She enjoyed playing with her new toys and became more outgoing each day. The shy dog Kaitlin first met was now blossoming into a confident and loving pet.

Currently, the dog family is still with Kaitlin and enjoying their time together. However, they will soon be looking for their forever homes through Louie’s Legacy Animal Rescue in New York. The adoption process will help ensure they find the perfect families.

Though it’s not clear if they have been adopted yet, there is no doubt that these lovable dogs will find their homes soon. Who could resist such charming pets?

A Foster Mom's Unexpected Morning Surprise Will Melt Your Heart-1
Source: Kaitlin Devoto via The Dodo

The Heart of Fostering

Fostering a dog is an act of pure kindness. Opening your home to a stray or abandoned pet and helping them recover from their past hardships is truly heroic. These dogs need a fresh start, and foster parents are there to guide them every step of the way.

This story highlights the journey of a dog and her unexpected puppy. Kaitlin Devoto, without knowing much, decided to foster a dog. She didn’t know the gender or age until the dog arrived in Cincinnati, and her adventure began.

At the New York pickup center, Kaitlin saw a beautiful red poodle. The dog seemed to be lactating, likely from a recent litter. It’s common for rescued puppy mill moms to still be producing milk, as they are often discarded once their puppies are weaned.

The poodle was thin and hungry, but Kaitlin knew she could help. She took the dog home, ready to provide the love and care it needed. Little did she know, this was just the start of an amazing journey filled with surprises.


  • This story just made my day! Mickey D and Chicky Nug are the most adorable names. 😂❤️

  • Why wasn’t the dog checked for pregnancy before fostering? Seems like an oversight.

  • It’s so heartwarming to see people like Kaitlin making a difference. Thank you for sharing this story!

  • jordanbeacon

    Oh my gosh, Chicky Nug is the cutest name ever! 🐶 How’s he doing now?

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