May 26, 2024

A Lengthy Pursuit: One Woman’s Relentless Effort to Save a Feral Dog

A Lengthy Pursuit: One Woman's Relentless Effort to Save a Feral Dog


A Long-Standing Quest

Upon returning home from a walk with her dog, Kristine observed something unusual. She saw what seemed like a massive figure moving nearby. In a moment of realization, it dawned on her that it was an enormous dog in need.

She quickly went inside her house, grabbed a substantial amount of dog food, and placed it outside her fence. This was her first step in attempting to help the frightened canine.

For nearly three years, Kristine persistently followed this routine. She shared with The Dodo: “I would put food out for her every morning and every evening.”

Despite her continuous efforts, the dog remained elusive, always retreating whenever Kristine or anyone else approached. However, Kristine’s determination never wavered; she kept feeding the dog every day.

A Lengthy Pursuit: One Woman's Relentless Effort to Save a Feral Dog-1
Source: The Dodo

As winter approached, Kristine and her family tried a new tactic. They set up a dog house right next to their property in hopes of providing the dog with a safe and warm shelter.

Unfortunately, this plan did not succeed. The dog continued to avoid staying near their house, even after eating.

Faced with increased difficulty, Kristine knew she needed to discover the dog’s hiding place to have a better chance of rescuing her.

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Source: The Dodo

The Turning Point

Kristine began sharing the dog’s story, now named Lulu, with the hope that someone might offer assistance.

Her perseverance paid off when Matthew, an experienced dog rescuer, stepped in to help. He stated, “It just became an obsession right away.”

Matthew was determined to assist Lulu no matter the challenge. He managed to get close enough to offer her food directly.

To capture Lulu, a clever plan was devised. They needed to slip a leash onto her, but the method was tricky.

A Lengthy Pursuit: One Woman's Relentless Effort to Save a Feral Dog-1
Source: The Dodo

Matthew ingeniously rigged the leash in the grass. When Lulu walked through it, the leash would catch her gently.

The strategy worked perfectly. Once captured, Lulu stopped fleeing and seemed to understand that these people intended to help her.

Matthew shared, “I was able to calm her down and put a slip lead on her.”

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Source: The Dodo

When Kristine finally embraced Lulu, she showered her with affection. Lulu, in turn, relished the attention.

A Happy Ending

Within days of her rescue, Lulu found her forever home with Laura and Molly, who were eager to provide the love and care she deserved.

Despite Lulu’s adoption, Kristine and Matthew continued to visit her. Lulu, understanding their role in her rescue, welcomed their visits with joy.


  • LiamSpark

    Did Kristine ever think about using a tranquilizer to catch Lulu? Seems like it would have been quicker.

  • michaelillusionist

    What a beautiful ending! Thank you for sharing this heartwarming story. It made my day!

  • JaydenMystic

    How did they manage to keep Lulu coming back for food every day? My dog would have lost interest after a week! 😂

  • Three years is such a long time! I can’t believe the patience Kristine had. Kudos to her!

  • Jordan_Solstice

    Wow, what an emotional journey! Kristine’s determination is truly inspiring. How is Lulu doing now? 😊

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