May 25, 2024

A Senior Dog’s Heartbreaking Return: Will He Find a New Family?

A Senior Dog's Heartbreaking Return: Will He Find a New Family?


Back In The Same Place

Big Top, despite his many challenges, has shown resilience. He started life in the direst of circumstances, found in a dumpster with his siblings, struggling to survive. Thankfully, Austin Pets Alive! rescued them, giving them a chance at life. His early hardships shaped him into the loving companion he became.

After being adopted, Big Top enjoyed eleven blissful years with his devoted owner. Their bond was unbreakable, making the sudden loss of his owner all the more heart-wrenching. Big Top found himself back at the shelter, facing an uncertain future once again.

On his twelfth birthday, the shelter staff went above and beyond to make the day special. They organized a surprise party, complete with decorations and a celebration hat. The joy on Big Top’s face was undeniable as he basked in the attention and love from his caregivers.

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Source: Allison Gouris

He received a dog-friendly cake and a bag of toys, a testament to the shelter’s dedication to his happiness. The video shared on Instagram captured these precious moments, showing Big Top enjoying every second of his special day.

Looking For A Home To Spend His Retirement At

Despite the love he receives at the shelter, the ultimate goal is for Big Top to find a new forever home. He’s an ideal companion, low-maintenance and affectionate, perfect for a family who understands his needs and respects his past.

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Source: Allison Gouris

Big Top simply wants to be close to his humans, whether it’s lying by your feet as you work or cuddling on the couch. He’s a gentle soul who appreciates the small joys in life, showing his gratitude with a kiss after some chin scratches.

However, there’s one important requirement: Big Top needs to be the only pet in the home. His age and the loss of his owner mean he requires a peaceful environment where he can truly relax and enjoy his twilight years.

The shelter staff are committed to making Big Top’s remaining time as comfortable as possible. They hope a loving family will soon come forward to offer him the home he deserves. Time is precious, and they want every moment for Big Top to be filled with love and care.

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Source: Allison Gouris

Fingers Crossed for a Happy Ending

As Big Top waits for his new family, the shelter continues to provide the best care possible. They understand the importance of making each day count, ensuring he feels loved and cherished. His story has touched many hearts, inspiring hope for a happy ending.

The volunteers at Austin Pets Alive! remain optimistic, believing that there is a perfect family out there for Big Top. They are determined to find him a home where he can spend his golden years in comfort and peace. His journey is far from over, and they won’t rest until he finds his happily ever after.

A Senior Dog's Heartbreaking Return: Will He Find a New Family?-1
Source: Allison Gouris

The community’s support has been overwhelming, with many sharing Big Top’s story and contributing to his care. It’s a testament to the power of compassion and the unbreakable bond between humans and their furry friends. Every bit of help brings Big Top closer to his new home.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for Big Top. He deserves a family that will love him unconditionally and provide the warmth and security he longs for. We hope his wait won’t be long, and soon, he’ll be surrounded by the love he so deeply deserves.


  • miatempest9

    Can I throw my own dog a birthday party like this? Asking for a friend! 🐶🎉

  • Such a touching story! Thank you, Austin Pets Alive!, for giving Big Top a second chance. ❤️

  • My heart breaks for Big Top 😢. Does anyone know if he’s still available for adoption?

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