June 6, 2024

A Surprising Encounter at the Fence: What This Man Discovered Will Move You

A Surprising Encounter at the Fence: What This Man Discovered Will Move You


Unexpected Discovery

One day, a man from Long Island let his dogs out to play in the yard. As he watched them frolic, something caught his eye—a peculiar shape by the fence. Intrigued, he called his dogs back and approached the mysterious lump.

To his astonishment, he found himself face-to-face with an unexpected visitor. Nestled comfortably on the ground was a baby owl, a sight he never anticipated during daylight hours. The tiny creature appeared to be in need of assistance.

The homeowner knew he needed to act swiftly. He immediately contacted the Strong Island Animal Rescue League, hoping for expert help to ensure the owl’s safety.

Within a short time, wildlife rescuer Frankie Floridia arrived. He was eager to help the owl and provide the care it needed. The homeowner, still in awe of the beautiful creature, watched as Frankie prepared to approach the fence.

A Surprising Encounter at the Fence: What This Man Discovered Will Move You-1
Source: Strong Island Animal Rescue League

The Little Baby Is Safe

With gloves on, Frankie moved towards the owl, fascinated by its vivid feathers and striking yellow eyes. He marveled at the rare opportunity to see such a majestic bird up close.

“He’s a majestic creature. He’s beautiful. It’s such a rare creature to see,” Floridia remarked, captivated by the owl’s beauty.

Frankie carefully picked up the owl, which showed no resistance. As he placed the owl in a safe cage, he spoke softly, reassuring the little bird that it was now safe.

A Surprising Encounter at the Fence: What This Man Discovered Will Move You-1
Source: Strong Island Animal Rescue League

The owl seemed relieved and calm, understanding that help had arrived. Frankie then transported the owl to the Sweetbriar Nature Center in Long Island for further care.

At The Nature Center

Upon arrival at the nature center, the baby owl was given a thorough medical examination. To everyone’s relief, the owl was found to be free of injuries, though it seemed to have been separated from its family too soon.

Hungry and a bit disoriented, the owl was fed and comforted by the rescue staff. It quickly devoured the food, showing signs of recovery with each bite.

A Surprising Encounter at the Fence: What This Man Discovered Will Move You-1
Source: Strong Island Animal Rescue League

Thanks to the dedicated care from the nature center staff, the owl began to regain strength and confidence. It wasn’t long before the baby owl started flying around the center, showcasing its growing energy.

After a period of rehabilitation, the owl was deemed ready to return to the wild. With a final check, the staff released the vibrant young owl back into its natural habitat, where it soared into the sky, free once more.


  • elizabeth_whisperer

    This made my day! Who knew such an adventure could happen right in your backyard? 🤣

  • EmmaIllusion

    Grateful to Frankie and the rescue team. They did an awesome job! 👍

  • Oscar_Empress

    That’s so amazing! I can’t believe the dogs didn’t scare the owl away. What a brave little bird!

  • Did the owl have any injuries? So glad it was taken to the nature center for help!

  • This is incredible! I’ve always wanted to see an owl up close. Thanks for sharing!

  • luke_wanderer

    Wow, such a heartwarming story! 🦉 How did the dogs react when they saw the owl? 😍

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