September 2, 2024

A Tearful Farewell: Loyal K9 Dies Hours After Handler’s Passing

A Tearful Farewell: Loyal K9 Dies Hours After Handler's Passing


Midge And Dan’s Unbreakable Bond

When people think of police dogs, large breeds often come to mind. Yet, the story of Midge, a tiny Rat Terrier Chihuahua mix, challenges this notion. For sixteen years, she patrolled Geauga County alongside her handler, Sheriff Dan McClelland. Even after Dan retired due to illness, their bond remained unshaken.

Dan was not just a sheriff but a beloved father, known for his humor and storytelling. His son Andy recalls, “He could talk for hours, telling funny stories.” This made the idea of training a small dog for police work even more unique and fitting for Dan’s personality.

It was Dan’s innovative thinking that brought Midge into the force. He once questioned, “Why can’t we use a small dog to sniff out drugs?” This led to Midge’s introduction as a K-9, and together, they debunked myths about small dogs in law enforcement.

Throughout their partnership, Dan and Midge cracked numerous cases, proving that size doesn’t determine capability. Their relationship was more than just professional; it was a testament to loyalty and love.

Midge’s Record-Breaking Achievement

Midge’s small size didn’t just make her a unique police dog; it earned her a spot in the Guinness Book of Records as the “smallest police dog ever.” Dan couldn’t have been prouder of his tiny yet tenacious partner.

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Source: YouTube

She just happens to be the world’s smallest certified police dog,” Dan would boast, showcasing his pride in her capabilities. Midge’s unusual status never hindered her from performing her duties with excellence.

Officer Hildenbrand fondly remembers, “She was with him 24/7. She was with him all day long at work.” Their companionship was inseparable, both on and off duty.

Through their unyielding dedication, Dan and Midge proved that the bond between a handler and their K-9 partner transcends conventional expectations.

A Heartbreaking Goodbye

After four decades of service, Dan faced a tragic diagnosis—a brain tumor that forced him into retirement. Despite this, Midge never left his side, remaining his loyal companion as his condition worsened.

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Source: YouTube

Their colleagues found it hard to accept Dan’s absence, having grown accustomed to seeing him and Midge together daily. Sadly, the tumor claimed Dan’s life, leaving a void in the hearts of those who knew him.

Following Dan’s passing, Midge was taken in by Dan’s family. But the little dog couldn’t bear the separation from her beloved handler. Within just six hours of Dan’s death, Midge also passed away.

The heartbreaking loss of her lifelong partner was too much for Midge’s fragile heart, leading to an end that mirrored the depth of their bond.

Laid to Rest Together

In recognition of their unbreakable connection, Dan and Midge were buried together on the same day. This tribute honored their incredible partnership, symbolizing their unity even in death.

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Source: YouTube

The community referred to them as “the team to the very end… And beyond.” Their story is a powerful reminder of the profound love that can exist between a human and a dog.

Their joint burial served as a final testament to their shared life and work, underscoring a bond that was truly extraordinary.

The touching legacy of Dan and Midge continues to inspire, celebrating the unique and inexplicable love between them. Their story remains a heartwarming example of devotion and companionship.


  • liamluminary

    How did they manage to train such a small dog for police work? That must have been quite the challenge!

  • pipermoonshadow

    Why does it always have to be the good ones? Rest in peace, Dan and Midge. Your legacy will live on.

  • JamesMoonlight8

    This story is so touching, it brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful bond they shared 😢

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