August 13, 2024

Abandoned and Forgotten: Discover the Heartbreaking Journey of a Dog Waiting for Love

Abandoned and Forgotten: Discover the Heartbreaking Journey of a Dog Waiting for Love


Kylie Was Surrendered

Once living a joyful life on a farm, Kylie had a family who cared for her until she got pregnant. As her pregnancy progressed, complications arose, and she needed a C-section. Unable to afford the surgery, her family reluctantly surrendered her to the Spokane Humane Society in Washington.

Thankfully, Kylie’s puppies were born healthy and quickly found loving homes. However, Kylie stayed behind, feeling confused and abandoned. She missed her family’s affection and longed for their return. The shelter staff were heartbroken seeing such a loving dog overlooked by potential adopters.

Despite her gentle nature and longing for love, no one showed interest in adopting Kylie. The shelter team hoped that a change in environment might improve her chances of finding a forever home.

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Source: YouTube

Kylie’s journey took her to another city, where her quest for a loving family continued. Would she finally find the happiness she deserved?

Moving To Another Shelter

The Spokane shelter decided to transfer Kylie to the Benton-Franklin Humane Society in Kennewick, Washington, hoping for better luck. There, a volunteer named Julie formed a special bond with her, providing Kylie with much-needed affection and playtime.

Julie shared, “I’ll sit in the kennel with her and she’ll sit with me. She likes getting pets. It’s tough for her because she doesn’t get as much people time as she would like.” Kylie cherished these moments, bringing joy to both her and the volunteers.

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Source: YouTube

Julie noticed that Kylie greeted staff and volunteers with a toy in her mouth, tail wagging, eyes sparkling. This was her way of expressing excitement and eagerness to engage with people.

Julie’s efforts to keep Kylie happy included surprising her with new toys. But would these small gestures be enough to find Kylie a permanent home?

Abandoned and Forgotten: Discover the Heartbreaking Journey of a Dog Waiting for Love-1
Source: YouTube

The Adorable Doggo Loves People

Kylie had a past filled with interactions with other animals on the farm. However, her years in the shelter changed her behavior, making her less fond of other animals.

Julie believes this aversion to other pets is the main hurdle in Kylie’s adoption journey. “I think that is 90% of the reason why she hasn’t found a home because most animal lovers have a dog or a cat,” she explained.

Despite this, Kylie’s love for humans remained strong. When Julie introduced her to her nieces, Kylie’s joy was palpable. She was thrilled to meet and play with them.

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Source: @jsaraceno

Kylie’s affectionate nature meant she had so much love to give. All she needed was a chance to prove it to a family. Could someone overlook her aversion to other animals and give her the home she craved?

Hope for a Brighter Future

The shelter staff continued to believe in Kylie’s potential to find a wonderful home. Their area struggled with pet overpopulation, making it harder to find a foster or adoptive family for her.

Despite these challenges, they remained hopeful that someone would recognize Kylie’s loving heart and take her home. Seeing Kylie leave the shelter and soak up family love would be a dream come true.

Abandoned and Forgotten: Discover the Heartbreaking Journey of a Dog Waiting for Love-1
Source: Benton-Franklin Humane Society

The hope for Kylie’s happily-ever-after remained strong. Her radiant smile and wagging tail symbolized her readiness to give and receive love unconditionally.

Like all shelter dogs, Kylie deserved a chance to be showered with infinite affection. Would her special someone come forward to change her life forever?


  • SerenityWisp

    Why do people just abandon their pets like this? It makes me so mad. 😡 She deserves better!

  • WilliamUnity

    This is so sad but beautifully written. I hope Kylie finds her forever home soon. Thank you for sharing her story. 🙏

  • SadieEmber

    Oh my gosh, Kylie is such a sweetheart! 🐶 It’s heartbreaking to read about her journey. Has anyone considered starting a campaign to help find her a home?

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