May 23, 2024

Abandoned but Not Forgotten: The Resilience of a Doberman Named Florence

Abandoned but Not Forgotten: The Resilience of a Doberman Named Florence


Rescue Mission

When Hope For Paws received a distress message about an abandoned Doberman, they sprang into action. Katie McKittrick arrived prepared with a leash and a hamburger, hoping to win the dog’s trust. The Doberman, later named Florence, was still waiting for her owners, unaware that they had abandoned her.

The rescuers approached Florence carefully, trying not to alarm her. They offered the hamburger, knowing she must be hungry. The food helped them gain her trust, allowing them to slip a leash over her head and secure her safely.

The rescue operation went off without a hitch. Florence was soon on her way to the vet, where she would receive the care she desperately needed.

Abandoned but Not Forgotten: The Resilience of a Doberman Named Florence-1
Source: Youtube

Florence’s loyalty was heartbreaking, but she was finally in the hands of people who truly cared about her well-being.

At The Vet

Upon arrival at the vet, Florence was scanned for a microchip, but none was found. The vets knew they had to make her look her best to increase her chances of finding a new home.

After a thorough bubble bath, Florence underwent medical examinations. The tests revealed that she had a genetic disorder known as Von Willebrand’s disease.

Abandoned but Not Forgotten: The Resilience of a Doberman Named Florence-1
Source: Youtube

This disease, a common inherited bleeding disorder, affects the blood’s ability to clot properly. Dogs with this condition can suffer from prolonged bleeding from even minor injuries.

Fortunately, a blood transfusion and a laparoscopic spray were enough to stabilize Florence. She was now ready to embrace her new life.

Abandoned but Not Forgotten: The Resilience of a Doberman Named Florence-1
Source: Youtube

A New Beginning

Florence’s beauty and grace caught the eye of the Los Angeles Animal Rescue team, who offered her a loving foster home. She was welcomed into a family with other four-legged friends.

Now, Florence enjoys running in the sun, playing with her toys, and snuggling up for naps. Her new foster family provides her with the love and care she deserves.

Her resilience and adaptability are truly inspiring. Florence has transformed from an abandoned dog to a cherished family member.

Abandoned but Not Forgotten: The Resilience of a Doberman Named Florence-1
Source: Youtube

With her charming personality and newfound health, it’s only a matter of time before Florence finds her forever home.

Final Word

The issue of abandoning pets is sadly all too common. Many people forget that animals have emotions and that abandonment causes them immense suffering and emotional trauma.

If circumstances prevent you from caring for your pet, please consider surrendering them to a local shelter. This ensures they have a chance at a better life.

Abandoned but Not Forgotten: The Resilience of a Doberman Named Florence-1
Source: Youtube

Animals like Florence deserve a second chance. They bring joy and love into our lives and deserve to be treated with compassion and kindness.

Let’s be responsible and ensure every pet finds the loving home they deserve.

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  • ChristianNexus2

    Such an inspiring story! Florence is lucky to have found such loving people. 😊

  • ElenaBlizzard

    Does Von Willebrand’s disease affect her daily life? Hope she gets all the care she needs!

  • Why would anyone abandon such a beautiful dog? People can be so cruel.

  • Wow, Katie McKittrick is a true hero for bringing Florence to safety. Much respect!

  • I’m so glad she was rescued. Breaks my heart to think of her waiting for her owners. 😢

  • josephwhisperer8

    Florence is such a brave girl. How is she doing now in her foster home?

  • What a heartwarming story! Thank you for sharing Florence’s journey. 🐾

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