May 26, 2024

An Unforgettable Encounter: The Mystery Creature in the Sewer Drain

An Unforgettable Encounter: The Mystery Creature in the Sewer Drain


A Surprise Inside A Sewer Drain

In the bustling Los Angeles area, many organizations work tirelessly to rescue abandoned animals. Despite their efforts, some still fall through the cracks, hiding in the most unexpected places. Such was the case with a young, 6-month-old retriever mix that took refuge in a sewer drain, unnoticed by the world above.

The puppy found her sanctuary within the dark confines of the drain. Occasionally, she would peek out, but her presence went largely overlooked. It wasn’t until a compassionate passerby took notice and shared her plight on social media that the story gained traction.

However, the newfound attention made the puppy even more frightened. Whenever someone approached, she retreated further into the sewer, making it seemingly impossible to rescue her. The situation called for the expertise of seasoned rescuers.

Enter Suzette Hall and her dedicated team from Logan’s Legacy. They knew this rescue would be challenging, but they were determined to bring the scared pup to safety.

An Unforgettable Encounter: The Mystery Creature in the Sewer Drain-1
Source: @logans_legacy29

Unexpectedly Tricky Rescue

Deep within the sewer drain, the puppy eluded capture. No matter what tools the rescuers used, she remained just out of reach. Hall soon realized that the crowd of onlookers was exacerbating the problem, making the puppy more skittish.

After kindly asking the crowd to disperse, Hall devised a new plan. “We knew we had to get her hole covered,” she explained. This, they believed, was the only way to coax her out safely.

The team waited patiently for two days and one night. Hunger finally drove the puppy to peek out of her hiding spot. At that precise moment, Rosario and Rebecca swiftly covered the hole, preventing her from retreating.

An Unforgettable Encounter: The Mystery Creature in the Sewer Drain-1
Source: @logans_legacy29

The scared pup dashed under a nearby car, but the rescuers were prepared. Using baby gates, they blocked her escape route, and Hall skillfully slipped a snare leash over her head. “When they yelled out, ‘Suzette, you got her,’ I couldn’t hold back the tears,” Hall recounted.

The Beginning Of A New Life

With the puppy safely in their care, the team named her Cora. They immediately transported her to Camino Pet Hospital for a thorough check-up and much-needed bath. Despite her ordeal, Cora was given a clean bill of health.

Next came the search for a foster home. Although Cora doesn’t have a permanent home yet, she is on her way to finding a loving temporary family who will care for her until she finds her forever home.

An Unforgettable Encounter: The Mystery Creature in the Sewer Drain-1
Source: @logans_legacy29

Given her sweet and loving nature, it’s only a matter of time before Cora captures someone’s heart. Her journey from the depths of a sewer drain to the warmth of a caring home is a testament to the power of compassion and perseverance.

Cora’s story serves as a reminder of the countless animals in need of rescue and the heroes who step up to save them. We can all make a difference, one life at a time.


  • carolineinfinity

    I can’t believe some people just walked by without noticing her. Glad someone finally did something. 🙏

  • josiahsentinel

    Wow, what a rollercoaster! How did you even manage to cover the hole so quickly? Amazing work!

  • What a touching story! Thank you, Suzette Hall and team, for saving Cora. 🐾

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