May 30, 2024

An Unlikely Wedding Guest: How a Stray Pup Became the Heart of a Bride’s Special Day

An Unlikely Wedding Guest: How a Stray Pup Became the Heart of a Bride’s Special Day


Rescue Mission

As the wedding day approached, a couple was not expecting their special day to include a four-legged surprise. While out for coffee, they spotted a hurt stray pup struggling to cross a busy street, and they knew they had to act quickly.

The dog appeared to have been hit by a car and was hesitant to trust anyone. Despite this, they managed to corner him and gain his trust behind a shopping center. “That’s when I got down on his level… it took several minutes, but he finally limped over to me and collapsed in my lap,” Alyssa recalled.

Rushing him to the vet, they discovered he had neither a microchip nor a collar. Their hopes of reuniting him with a family were dashed. “We were desperately hoping he had a home… He had no microchip, no collar, and was not neutered,” Alyssa added.

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Source: @lyssaslizards

With no family to claim him, the pup needed immediate medical attention. His leg was severely broken, and surgery was urgent. The couple faced a daunting task of finding a way to cover the costs.

In Search Of A Home

They named the pup Campbell and flooded social media with his photos, hoping someone would recognize him. “People on the Next Door app notified us… we assume he was dumped,” Alyssa said. Their search for his owners was fruitless.

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Source: @lyssaslizards

Campbell’s condition was critical. He needed surgery to fix his leg or risk losing it. “The vet warned us that if this wasn’t surgically fixed very soon, the joint would collapse completely,” Alyssa explained. The couple turned to a nonprofit for help.

Cody’s Friends Rescue stepped in, covering part of the expenses and launching a GoFundMe campaign. Thanks to generous donors, they raised the $8,000 needed. The couple’s love for animals made caring for Campbell a natural decision.

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Source: @lyssaslizards

“We just felt so connected to him within that first week. It was as if the perfect dream dog… had just fallen into our laps,” Alyssa said. Despite their busy wedding plans, Campbell was constantly on their minds.

New Life

Today, Campbell’s leg has healed, though he can’t bend it like other dogs. The joint was fused with a metal plate, but it doesn’t hinder his joy. Living with Alyssa and Logan, he quickly adapted to his new life.

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Source: @lyssaslizards

They realized Campbell was already potty trained and knew basic commands, hinting he once had a home. “Campbell has shown some signs of being very frightened… he immediately cowers in fear,” Alyssa said, indicating a difficult past.

Despite his fears, Campbell thrives in his new environment. His days are filled with love, play, and happiness. “Finding Campbell rocked our world… but he’s also the best thing that has ever happened to us,” Alyssa concluded.

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Source: @lyssaslizards

Campbell’s rescue and recovery have brought immense joy to the couple. They are grateful every day for the unexpected furry guest who changed their lives forever.


  • Zoey_Nova2

    Thank you for sharing this touching story. It’s incredible how love and compassion can change lives. Bless you both and Campbell!

  • This is so heartwarming! 😍 I’m curious, did he get to be part of the wedding photos?

  • Wow, what an amazing story! 🐶 So glad Campbell found such loving people. How is he doing now?

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