May 20, 2024

Couple’s Hike Leads to an Unexpected Discovery That Changed Their Lives Forever

Couple's Hike Leads to an Unexpected Discovery That Changed Their Lives Forever


Rediscovering Trust

They say that timing is everything. A Californian couple was on a hike when an unexpected turn of events changed their lives. As they walked by a creek, they heard unusual sounds. Curiosity piqued, they searched and found an astonishing sight right before them.

Amidst the wilderness, a mother dog was giving birth to three tiny puppies. The couple quickly called for help, and soon, the dog family was rescued. Thom McCallum, a dog rescuer from Berkeley, California, took them in, but the initial stages of fostering didn’t go smoothly.

Ruby, as she was later named, was a very timid mom. She didn’t trust Thom at first and kept her distance. Despite Thom’s efforts to make Ruby feel comfortable, she needed time to heal from her past. Her journey to recovery would be long and challenging.

Couple's Hike Leads to an Unexpected Discovery That Changed Their Lives Forever-1
Source: @thomohawk

Thom dedicated himself to the puppies’ care, which seemed easier than gaining Ruby’s trust. She was a devoted mother, and with each passing day, she began to slowly trust Thom. Gradually, Ruby realized that Thom was there to help, and she started to warm up to him.

Blossoming in a New Environment

It took Ruby a few months to fully adapt, but she blossomed into a loving companion. She became so attached to Thom that she wouldn’t leave his side. “Ruby won’t leave my side. She goes everywhere I go. She’s really thriving now,” Thom shared with The Dodo.

Couple's Hike Leads to an Unexpected Discovery That Changed Their Lives Forever-1
Source: @thomohawk

The family engaged in training, played in their large yard, and enjoyed walks together. As the puppies grew, Thom ensured they found loving homes. All three puppies were adopted by families nearby, allowing Ruby to stay connected with her babies.

Jax and Kirby found homes just a few miles away, while Tito was adopted by a family next door. Thom and his neighbor even converted a fence into a gate, so Ruby and Tito could play together whenever they wanted.

Couple's Hike Leads to an Unexpected Discovery That Changed Their Lives Forever-1
Source: @thomohawk

Witnessing Ruby thrive after being abandoned has been incredibly rewarding. Allowing her to see her pups regularly adds to the joy. Ruby’s pups have grown up, but she continues to see them as her little babies.

A Foster Mom’s Path

Ruby never lost her nurturing nature, leading Thom to realize she’d make a great foster mom. Together, they fostered many dogs in need. Ruby loved caring for other dogs and puppies. Eventually, she gained a forever friend, Pogo, rescued from the hills at four months old.

Pogo had been hit by a car and needed a leg amputation, but he adjusted perfectly to life with Thom and Ruby. “Ruby and Pogo love life and doing everything together,” Thom wrote. Recently, Thom moved to a bigger home in Berkeley with his girlfriend, making the dogs even happier.

Couple's Hike Leads to an Unexpected Discovery That Changed Their Lives Forever-1
Source: @thomohawk

Pogo and Ruby now have more space to play and nap comfortably. Once an abandoned mom who trusted no one, Ruby now has a loving family. Living with Thom has transformed Ruby’s life from fear to joy.

Ruby’s journey is a testament to the power of love and patience. With a new friend and a bigger home, Ruby’s life is now filled with happiness and comfort.

Couple's Hike Leads to an Unexpected Discovery That Changed Their Lives Forever-1
Source: @thomohawk

A Joyful Conclusion for Ruby and Her Pups

Ruby and her pups’ incredible journey showcases the resilience of animals and the impact of human kindness. Thom’s dedication to their care created a ripple effect of love. Ruby’s transformation from a scared, abandoned dog to a loving mother is truly miraculous.

As Ruby continues to thrive, she has become a symbol of hope for other dogs in need. Her story inspires many to consider fostering and adopting pets with difficult pasts. Ruby’s pups, now in loving homes, carry the legacy of their brave mother and the man who gave them a new start.

Couple's Hike Leads to an Unexpected Discovery That Changed Their Lives Forever-1
Source: @thomohawk

For Thom, fostering Ruby and her puppies has been immensely rewarding. “From 10 days old until now, watching them grow into compassionate companions has been one of the most rewarding experiences as a foster,” Thom shared on Instagram. His journey with Ruby has deepened his commitment to rescuing more dogs.

Ruby’s story beautifully reminds us that every life is precious. With love, patience, and some luck, even the toughest situations can lead to joyful endings. Ruby and her puppies have found their place in the world, inspiring hearts for years to come.


  • Is there a way to donate to Thom’s rescue efforts? Seems like he’s doing great work!

  • Wait, so Ruby is now fostering other dogs too? That’s amazing!

  • Did they have any trouble finding families for the puppies?

  • AnthonyEnchantress

    Thank you for sharing such an uplifting story! 🐾

  • That’s really heartwarming, but why didn’t they call animal control right away?

  • christopher

    Wow, what an incredible story! How did Ruby and the pups adjust to their new homes?

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