June 4, 2024

Curious Woman’s Unexpected Parking Lot Discovery Leads to Unbelievable New Addition

Curious Woman's Unexpected Parking Lot Discovery Leads to Unbelievable New Addition


An Unforeseen Encounter

Rose Hunter, a plant enthusiast from Lincoln, Nebraska, experienced an unexpected turn of events during a routine visit to Campbell’s Nursery. As she walked back to her car, something unusual caught her eye in the parking lot.

At first glance, it seemed like just another oil spot, but as she drew closer, she noticed a small, round, and furry object. Initially, she feared it was a lifeless baby rabbit.

Her curiosity drove her to investigate, and to her astonishment, she discovered a tiny, living kitten. “YOU GUYS IT’S A BABY KITTEN!!! And it is ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!” she exclaimed on Facebook.

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Source: Rose Hunter

The kitten, only about five days old, stirred an immediate sense of urgency in Hunter. She felt a rush of adrenaline as she realized she needed to act swiftly to ensure its safety.

A Heartfelt Decision

Hunter promptly placed the fragile kitten in her car, torn between adopting it and searching for its mother. Unsure if the mother cat was nearby, she contacted Campbell’s Nursery for any sightings of stray cats, but had no luck.

Determined to give the mother another chance, she returned the next day with the kitten, whom she named Campbell, to the spot where she found him. Sadly, there was no sign of his mother.

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Source: Rose Hunter

With no mother cat in sight, Hunter made the decision to adopt the kitten. A vet confirmed Campbell was under a week old but in good health, although he was too young to be alone.

Hunter shared her story on Facebook, and through this, she found a friend whose cat had recently given birth. Arrangements were made for Campbell to move in with a foster mom cat.

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Source: Rose Hunter 

A New Foster Family

Campbell’s foster mom, Tully, accepted him immediately. “It was remarkable to watch their first meeting and see him latch onto her for the very first time,” Hunter said.

Over the next six weeks, Campbell thrived in his foster home, growing stronger and socializing with his new siblings. The nurturing environment was perfect for his development.

Hunter was thrilled with Campbell’s progress and eagerly awaited the day he would join her permanently. The bond between them had already formed, and she was confident in her decision to adopt him.

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Source: Rose Hunter

Finally, it was time for Campbell to move to his forever home. Hunter had no doubts about the adoption. “There was no question about it. Within a minute after discovering him, I knew he was meant to be mine,” she said.

Settling into His Forever Home

Now, Campbell is a joyful and healthy kitten, enjoying his new life with Hunter. He’s playful and full of energy, bringing endless joy to his new mom.

The unexpected discovery in the parking lot had turned into a beautiful chapter in both Hunter’s and Campbell’s lives. The once tiny, helpless kitten had found a loving home.

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Source: Rose Hunter

Hunter’s compassionate and swift actions had given Campbell a chance at a happy life. Their story is a testament to the miracles that can happen when we follow our hearts.

As Campbell continues to grow, the bond between him and Hunter only strengthens. They are now inseparable, and their journey together promises to be filled with love and happiness.


  • OMG, the pictures are just too cute! I wish more people would take action like you did. Keep us updated! 😻

  • diegoprism

    It’s wonderful to see people like you making a difference. Thank you for sharing this heartwarming story.

  • Rose, you’re a hero! This is such an inspiring story. Campbell is so cute!!!

  • How is Campbell doing now? Any recent photos would be awesome! 😊

  • madison_midnight

    I can’t believe someone would leave such a tiny kitten alone! Thank you, Rose, for saving him.

  • MackenzieWhisperwind0

    Wow, what a touching story! So happy to hear little Campbell found a loving home. 🥰

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