May 29, 2024

Discover How One Abandoned Dog’s Smile Changed Everything

Discover How One Abandoned Dog's Smile Changed Everything


Resilient Spirit Shines Through

Despite facing abandonment, a 2-year-old Great Pyrenees mix, now known as Goose, kept his hopeful spirit alive. One day, he was discovered tied to a fence with a note from his previous owners stating they no longer wanted him. His unwavering smile caught the attention of two passersby.

These kind strangers, initially unaware of his plight, approached Goose to offer affection. His cheerful demeanor suggested he had not given up on finding love. One of the passersby, moved by his resilience, decided to take more than a passing interest in his fate and offered to foster him.

Lindsey Hawkins, Goose’s new foster mom, couldn’t ignore his need for care. The note simply read, “Don’t have time. Just take the dog.” And that’s exactly what she did. But first, Goose needed attention from a vet due to his poor condition.

Discover How One Abandoned Dog's Smile Changed Everything-1
Source: Lindsey Hawkins via The Dodo

He was dirty and covered in ticks, necessitating a thorough cleaning over several days to avoid stress. Throughout this ordeal, Goose remained unfailingly gentle and cooperative, understanding the help he was receiving. His resilience shone through as he continued to smile, even under tough conditions.

A New Beginning

Excited to bring him home, Lindsey soon realized Goose had never experienced indoor living. He was tentative around furniture and avoided hardwood floors. During the ride home, he tried to climb into the front seat, seeking closeness and comfort.

Once home, it became clear that Goose was more comfortable on soft surfaces like rugs and carpets. However, his adaptation to his new environment was swift. Within days, he bonded with his new family members, including chickens and a senior therapy dog named Zeus.

Discover How One Abandoned Dog's Smile Changed Everything-1
Source: Lindsey Hawkins via The Dodo

The connection between Goose and his new siblings was immediate and heartwarming. Lindsey noticed how well they got along, leading to her decision to give Goose a permanent home. This decision was confirmed by a touching gesture from Goose.

On the day it was decided Goose would stay forever, he stood on his hind legs, placing his front paws on Lindsey’s husband’s shoulders, and buried his head into his chest as if to say, “Thank you.” This heartfelt moment solidified his place in their family.

Discover How One Abandoned Dog's Smile Changed Everything-1
Source: Lindsey Hawkins via The Dodo

Embracing a New Life

In just two weeks, Goose’s transformation was remarkable. He began to embrace indoor living, finding comfort in jumping onto Lindsey’s bed and walking on hardwood floors. His once hesitant steps turned into confident strides.

His adjustment to his new home was not just physical but emotional as well. Goose’s bond with his family deepened, and his joyful spirit continued to flourish. His resilience was truly inspiring, proving that love and care can heal even the deepest wounds.

With his newfound confidence and happiness, Goose brought immense joy to his new family. The once abandoned dog had found his forever home, and his infectious smile was a testament to his unbreakable spirit.

Discover How One Abandoned Dog's Smile Changed Everything-1
Source: Lindsey Hawkins via The Dodo

Considering his remarkable journey, Lindsey believes Goose might follow in Zeus’s footsteps and become a therapy dog. His ability to spread comfort and joy with his unwavering spirit makes him a perfect candidate for this role.


Goose’s story is a powerful reminder of the resilience and hope that animals can teach us. Despite his abandonment, he never lost his smile or his spirit. His journey from a lonely fence to a loving home showcases the transformative power of love and care.

Discover How One Abandoned Dog's Smile Changed Everything-1
Source: Lindsey Hawkins via The Dodo

As Goose continues to thrive in his new environment, he inspires everyone around him. Whether he becomes a therapy dog or simply continues to bring joy to his family, Goose’s future is bright, and his story is one of hope and resilience.

Follow Goose’s journey and many more like his on our social media platforms. Share the love and spread the word about the incredible impact of fostering and adopting pets in need.

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  • Goose seems like an amazing dog! Does he still smile like that every day?

  • VioletShadow

    How can people just abandon their pets like that? It’s so heartbreaking. 😢

  • leoempyrean9

    Wow, what a heartwarming story! Goose is such a brave boy. 🐶❤️

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