July 29, 2024

Dog’s Heartbreaking Wait: Abandoned In Field, Hoping For A Miracle

Dog's Heartbreaking Wait: Abandoned In Field, Hoping For A Miracle


When we invite a dog into our homes, we pledge to love and cherish them forever. The joy we feel from their wagging tails and happy eyes is immense. However, it’s heartbreaking to know that many dogs endure years of mistreatment and neglect, deprived of the love they deserve.

Unfortunately, some dogs are abandoned once they fall ill. This is exactly what happened to Kicho, a sweet canine who experienced severe betrayal. Instead of receiving care, her family chained her and later discarded her in a field, leaving her heartbroken and waiting for their return.

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Source: Animal Shelter

Good Humans Come To Rescue A Sad Pup

A local farmer spotted the dejected pup lying in the field and quickly contacted a rescue team. The rescuers were heartbroken upon seeing her condition. Kicho had no fur and seemed devoid of hope, with scratches covering her body.

Desperate to help, they cautiously approached her. Her eyes reflected immense sadness, and when one rescuer tried to touch her, she bolted away in fear.

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Source: Instagram

At The Vet Clinic

Despite the initial setback, the rescuers persisted and eventually managed to capture Kicho, bringing her to a veterinary clinic. The vet diagnosed her with mange and scabies, noting that her skin infections were chronic. She was prescribed antibiotics. Her leg was also sprained, and her neck bore wounds from the chain.

The poor pup was still wary of her rescuers. She hesitated to trust them, but when offered food, she devoured it quickly, revealing how underweight and hungry she was.

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Source: Instagram

The Pooch Begins Feeling Better

The clinic staff dedicated themselves to Kicho’s recovery. They named her Kicho and worked hard to gain her trust. Their hearts melted when she finally gazed at them with her sweet eyes. Her skin began to heal, and she regained her strength, delighting her caregivers.

Kicho started to understand that these humans were kind. However, she was still too scared to venture outside. The staff cleverly enticed her with food, and she cautiously began to explore, eventually wagging her tail with excitement.

Dog's Heartbreaking Wait: Abandoned In Field, Hoping For A Miracle-1
Source: Instagram

Initially, Kicho’s skin was still itchy, but the medication soon took effect, and the itching subsided. Her caregivers were thrilled when she made a full recovery, her fur growing back to reveal a beautiful, joyful dog ready to leave the clinic.

Surrounded By Love

One of Kicho’s rescuers came to take her to her new home. Kicho’s happiness was evident as she couldn’t stop smiling. She began her new life in a safe, foster-based rescue home.

Dog's Heartbreaking Wait: Abandoned In Field, Hoping For A Miracle-1
Source: Instagram

Kicho’s new caretaker showered her with love and attention. She finally felt adored and cherished, knowing she would never face neglect or abandonment again.

We owe immense gratitude to the rescuers and caregivers who transformed Kicho’s life, bringing her the happiness she deserved.


  • AndrewJourney3

    Thank you for sharing this heartwarming story. It’s amazing what love and care can do!

  • wyattraven

    Aww, Kicho looks so happy now! 🐶

  • davidmystic

    Why do some people get dogs if they can’t even take care of them properly? Makes me so mad!

  • Mateo_Empress

    Such a touching story. I’m so happy Kicho found a loving home!

  • matthewvelocity

    This story made me cry. Bless the rescuers! Is there a way to donate to her care?

  • Wow, what an incredible transformation! Thanks to everyone who helped her. ❤️

  • loganecho4

    How can people be so heartless? Poor Kicho! 😢

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