August 23, 2024

Dog’s Ingenious Trick to Capture Hearts and Get Treats Will Leave You Speechless

Dog's Ingenious Trick to Capture Hearts and Get Treats Will Leave You Speechless


The Journey Begins

A sweet German Shepherd named Athena was found in dire straits by construction workers in Southeast Texas. They noticed she was severely malnourished and immediately contacted a local rescue center, Be Intentional. Upon arrival, the rescuers saw that Athena was in a terrible condition and urgently needed medical attention.

At the hospital, Athena was described as one of the worst cases by the rescue board members. She was skin and bones, suffering from severe neglect. Her rescuers couldn’t pinpoint how long she had been without proper care, but it was evident she had been devoid of food, medical attention, and love for quite some time.

Christie Kasko, the founder of Be Intentional, recounted, “She had a harness that was way too small for her that was removed. She had every parasite in her system. She also has one of the worst cases of sarcoptic mange the vet has seen.”

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Source: Be Intentional

Despite her condition, Athena’s sweet nature began to shine through. Within days, she started warming up to the volunteers, craving nothing more than to snuggle with them. Her resilience was astounding, and her journey was just beginning.

Learning a Heart-Melting Trick

While receiving treatment at the vet hospital, Athena learned an adorable trick that would change her fate. She began holding her food bowl in her mouth every time a staff member walked by, a clever move to get noticed and earn more treats and affection.

This cute behavior was irresistible. “She gets lots of attention and plenty of food,” Kasko said. “But, she has figured out that holding her bowl with her cute little face tends to get her more cuddles.”

Dog's Ingenious Trick to Capture Hearts and Get Treats Will Leave You Speechless-1
Source: Athena the Dreamer

Her endearing trick paid off, winning the hearts of everyone around her. Athena’s cleverness and charm were helping her heal, both physically and emotionally. Her story was spreading, and more people were rooting for her recovery.

Once she was stable, Athena was transferred to Sauver Des Chiens German Shepherd Dog Rescue, an organization with more resources and expertise in caring for German Shepherds. Her future was starting to look brighter.

Dog's Ingenious Trick to Capture Hearts and Get Treats Will Leave You Speechless-1
Source: Athena the Dreamer

A New Beginning

Sauver Des Chiens found Athena a perfect foster home. Her official Facebook page shared, “She is with the best possible foster, one that has had medical experience, training, and grooming experience and has no other dogs. So she will be given full attention in a quiet home in the country. This is exactly the kind of place she needs to decompress and learn to love and trust again.”

Her foster mom reported, “She still carries her bowl occasionally, but she is getting good nutrition now.” Athena’s journey to recovery was progressing, and she was beginning to trust and love again. Her resilience continued to inspire everyone who followed her story.

In a heartwarming turn of events, Athena became a foster fail, which means her foster family fell in love with her so deeply that they decided to adopt her. She was finally home.

Dog's Ingenious Trick to Capture Hearts and Get Treats Will Leave You Speechless-1
Source: Athena the Dreamer

Patti Pulliam, a volunteer and training coordinator at Sauver Des Chiens, expressed that Athena couldn’t have found a better forever family. Her new home was filled with love, and she was cherished every single day.

Forever Loved

Three years have passed, and Athena still carries her bowl everywhere she goes, a charming reminder of her journey and the clever trick that captured so many hearts. Her story continues to inspire and remind us of the resilience and love animals are capable of.

Athena’s transformation from a neglected street dog to a beloved family member is nothing short of miraculous. Her journey showcases the incredible impact of rescue organizations and the unwavering spirit of animals.

Dog's Ingenious Trick to Capture Hearts and Get Treats Will Leave You Speechless-1
Source: Athena the Dreamer

For those who want to keep up with Athena’s adventures and see more of her heartwarming journey, her official Facebook page is filled with updates and photos of this remarkable dog.

Visit Athena’s Facebook page to follow her story and share in the joy of her new life. She is a testament to the power of love, resilience, and a little bit of cleverness.


  • Thanks for sharing Athena’s story. It’s incredible to see how far she’s come. More power to rescue organizations like Be Intentional.

  • Wait, how does she manage to carry the bowl and still look so adorable? My dog would just chew it up 😂

  • Athena is a genius! Holding her bowl for treats is just too cute. Can’t wait to see her updates on Facebook!

  • jackwanderer

    I’m so happy for Athena, but it’s heartbreaking to think about what she went through. More needs to be done to prevent such neglect.

  • This is such a heartwarming story! Athena is truly a fighter. I teared up reading about her journey.

  • thomas_nebulae

    Wow, Athena’s story is so inspiring! 🐾 I’m so glad she found her forever home. How can I support Be Intentional?

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