September 26, 2024

Foster Mom’s Unexpected Bond With a Struggling Pup Will Tug at Your Heartstrings

Foster Mom's Unexpected Bond With a Struggling Pup Will Tug at Your Heartstrings


Long Road To Recovery

One morning, a concerned man saw a frail pup by the roadside, pleading for help. He swiftly took the dog to the Chicago police station, hoping for a solution. Fortunately, the officers acted quickly and connected with a local animal shelter, ensuring the pup got the help he needed.

After being assessed by the shelter’s medical team, it was clear that Sugar Snap required specialized care. He was transferred to Chicago Animal Rescue, One Tail at a Time, where a thorough examination revealed he couldn’t stand or walk. But a glimmer of hope shone through when he responded eagerly to food.

Foster Mom's Unexpected Bond With a Struggling Pup Will Tug at Your Heartstrings-1
Source: One Tail at a Time

Generous donations funded his immediate treatment. Sugar Snap received a transfusion, which significantly improved his vitals and energy. His vet team added new medications to his treatment plan, ensuring he was comfortable and in excellent hands.

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Source: One Tail at a Time

Sugar Snap faced a critical night where his blood pressure and glucose levels dropped. However, after another blood transfusion and more nourishment, he felt significantly better. The vet team removed his feeding tube, hopeful he’d continue to gain weight independently. And he did!

Foster Mom's Unexpected Bond With a Struggling Pup Will Tug at Your Heartstrings-1
Source: One Tail at a Time

New Life

Sugar Snap’s determination paid off. Not only did he gain weight, but he also started walking. His remarkable progress convinced the staff that he was ready for a foster home. After three weeks, he left the emergency hospital, walking on his own, to live with a veterinarian who had treated him.

Living in a loving home brought immense joy to Sugar Snap. His health improved daily, allowing him to become the handsome dog he was destined to be. “We’re celebrating two weeks in foster, and he’s now weighing nearly 34 lbs!” the rescue shared excitedly.

Foster Mom's Unexpected Bond With a Struggling Pup Will Tug at Your Heartstrings-1
Source: One Tail at a Time

Within a month, Sugar Snap’s transformation was astonishing. He had doubled his weight, going from 19 lbs to 40 lbs. His foster mom, seeing his resilience and determination, realized she couldn’t part with him and decided to adopt him.

Foster Mom's Unexpected Bond With a Struggling Pup Will Tug at Your Heartstrings-1
Source: One Tail at a Time

Now, Sugar Snap enjoys his best life, surrounded by loving humans and furry siblings. “Sugar now has a dog brother, Fitz, and a cat brother, Noodle. Both his mom and dad are vets. We couldn’t have hoped for a happier ending for this lucky Chicago stray,” concluded One Tail at a Time.


  • Haha, looks like Sugar Snap hit the jackpot with his new family! 😄 Can we get more updates on him?

  • This story made me cry. Foster parents like her are true heroes. Thank you for sharing! 🙏

  • charlesspark6

    Wow, what an incredible journey for Sugar Snap! 🐾 How’s he doing now?

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