August 21, 2024

From Abandoned to Adored: The Incredible Journey of a ‘Dangerous’ Dog

From Abandoned to Adored: The Incredible Journey of a 'Dangerous' Dog


The First Encounter With Brutus

Lee Asher, a passionate dog rescuer, met Brutus, a Mastiff labeled as aggressive, under unexpected circumstances. Contrary to his reputation, Brutus greeted Asher with affectionate licks and wagging tail. The dog, who supposedly disliked men, instantly bonded with Asher, craving love and attention.

Asher couldn’t help but smile as he played with Brutus. Their connection was instantaneous, and the dog seemed to trust him completely. Brutus sought belly rubs and hugs, showing a side of him that his previous owners had never seen. Their bond was undeniable.

Asher decided to foster Brutus, hoping to find him a forever home. But he was already falling for the affectionate Mastiff. The pair’s chemistry was evident, and Asher felt a growing attachment to the dog who had been abandoned for being “aggressive”.

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Source: The Asher House

Brutus needed a fresh start, and Asher was determined to give him that chance. The connection they shared during their initial meeting was just the beginning of a beautiful journey. Brutus found comfort in Asher’s presence.

Brutus Meets Other Members Of The Pack

Before taking Brutus home, Asher wanted to ensure he would get along with his other dogs. He introduced Brutus to his small pack, including Bo, PomPoms, Penny, and Kai. Despite Kai, a Chihuahua, barking at him, Brutus remained calm and friendly, wagging his tail and sniffing his new friends.

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Source: The Asher House

Asher was pleased with Brutus’s calm demeanor, confident that he would integrate well into the pack. Brutus’s excitement was palpable as he realized he was about to join a new family. He expressed his joy by showering Asher with kisses.

The car ride home was filled with happiness as Brutus knew he was going to a loving home. Asher, though jokingly telling himself not to get too attached, couldn’t resist Brutus’s charm. The pack welcomed Brutus with open paws.

That evening, Brutus cuddled with his new foster dad, waking him up with kisses the next morning. The bond between Asher and Brutus grew stronger as they went hiking together, and Asher saw how well Brutus fit in. It felt like Brutus was always meant to be there.

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Source: The Dodo

A Perfect Forever Home

From the moment Asher met Brutus, he knew this dog was special. Despite initial intentions to foster him temporarily, Asher quickly realized that Brutus was a foster fail. The bond they shared was too strong to break. Brutus had found his forever home.

Asher shared the joyous news on Instagram, officially announcing that Brutus, now renamed Hooch, was staying at the Asher House for good. “We found him a home! And it’s right here!” Asher declared. Hooch was now part of the family.

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Source: @theasherhouse

In his new home, Hooch thrived. He reveled in the love and care he received, constantly showing his gratitude through kisses and affection. Hooch became the welcoming committee for new rescues, ensuring they felt safe and loved. He was the heart of the pack.

Hooch’s transformation from an abandoned dog labeled as aggressive to a beloved pack member was nothing short of miraculous. With Asher’s love and dedication, Hooch found his place in the world. He finally had the happy ending he deserved.


  • Evelyn_Wisp2

    Love this! But, how did Asher manage Brutus’s supposed aggression initially? Any special training involved?

  • Such a heartwarming story! Brutus (or should I say Hooch) is one lucky pup 😊

  • AaronBeacon

    I’m curious, did Brutus ever have any issues with the other dogs after the initial introduction?

  • abigailmonolith

    This is such a great reminder that every dog deserves a second chance. Thank you for sharing!

  • Wow, Brutus’s story is so touching! 🐾 How long did it take for Asher to decide to keep him?

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