September 29, 2024

From Playful to Shy: The 1,700-Day Journey of a Shelter Dog Waiting for Love

From Playful to Shy: The 1,700-Day Journey of a Shelter Dog Waiting for Love


Neverending Stay

Upon arriving at the New York City shelter, JP was brimming with excitement to meet his new furry companions and human friends. Over the years, however, his boundless energy waned.

Becoming more cautious with every new acquaintance, JP took longer to warm up to strangers. This cautious behavior, while understandable, was a response to the shelter’s unpredictable environment.

Despite his wariness, JP showed his true affectionate nature around familiar faces. He transformed into a lovebug around those he trusted, relishing every cuddle and belly rub.

Exploring the outdoors was his favorite pastime. JP followed his caretakers eagerly, ready for any adventure they proposed. His enthusiasm for nature remained undiminished.

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Source: Facebook

Still Looking For A Home

JP’s hesitation with new people was a hurdle, but once he opened up, he offered unparalleled companionship. His bond with one dedicated volunteer, who visited him daily, was a testament to his loving nature.

Unfortunately, his size also posed a challenge in finding a forever home. Larger dogs like JP are less likely to be adopted, as recent reports indicate.

Despite these challenges, JP’s spirit remained unbroken. He continued to believe that his perfect family was out there, waiting to find him.

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Source: Facebook

To support his adoption, the shelter offered to cover his adoption fees and provide a year’s supply of Science Diet Senior Vitality dog food. This gesture aimed to ease the transition for his new family.

A Gentle Soul

Given his age, JP would thrive in a serene home without young children or other pets. His gentle and loving nature would bring joy and laughter to any household.

JP’s heart brimmed with love, ready to be shared with his new family. He longed for a chance to show his affectionate side in a stable, loving environment.

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Source: Facebook

His journey had been long and arduous, but JP never lost hope. He remained determined to find his forever home.

If you have room in your heart and home for this sweet boy, please reach out to Bideawee Animal Shelter. JP’s love and loyalty are waiting for you.

How You Can Help

Besides adopting JP, there are other ways to support animals like him. Volunteering at shelters and spreading awareness about the plight of large dogs can make a significant difference.

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Source: Facebook

Donations are also crucial. They help shelters provide the best care possible for animals waiting for their forever homes.

Sharing JP’s story can inspire others to consider adopting large, older dogs who often get overlooked.

Every action counts. Together, we can ensure that dogs like JP find the loving homes they deserve.


  • genesiswhisper5

    Why do larger dogs have a harder time getting adopted? Seems so unfair!

  • Annabelle

    Such a touching story! I really hope JP finds his forever home soon. 🐾

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