June 2, 2024

He Couldn’t Sleep Until He Solved the Midnight Mystery of His Barking Dog

He Couldn't Sleep Until He Solved the Midnight Mystery of His Barking Dog


The Night of the Relentless Barking

Dogs have their own ways of communicating with us, and barking is their primary method. Christina Bingman was at her wit’s end that night as her dog, Alexa, barked incessantly. When a dog wakes you up at 2 AM, it’s hard not to feel a mix of fear, worry, and frustration.

Christina’s mind raced with possibilities. Was there an intruder? Had Alexa spotted someone at the door? Or was it a fox trying to invade the chicken coop again? Ignoring the first bark, she hoped it would stop. But it didn’t. The barking continued, each one more alarming than the last.

As the barks grew more frequent, Christina’s heart pounded. She wondered, “What is causing Alexa to bark like this?” Listening closely, she recognized it as a warning bark. Alexa only used that bark for strangers. Armed with this knowledge, Christina rushed outside to check the yard.

Everything seemed normal; the yard was undisturbed, and the chickens were safe. No one was there. Baffled, Christina returned inside, locked the door, and tried to sleep, but Alexa’s barking persisted. The night stretched on, filled with restless wake-ups.

The Morning Revelation

Morning brought no relief. Christina and Alexa were both exhausted from the sleepless night. Christina couldn’t shake the mystery of what had triggered Alexa’s relentless barking. Just when they thought they’d never get answers, the youngest family member made a surprising discovery.

He Couldn't Sleep Until He Solved the Midnight Mystery of His Barking Dog-1
Source: @ctinab2

It was an ordinary bag of cat food, but not just any bag. This bag had a massive, realistic-looking cat picture on it, positioned perfectly outside the window. It looked as if a giant cat had been staring at Alexa all night, triggering her protective instincts.

Christina recalled, “I discovered she was barking at the bag of cat food once the family had woken up. My youngest pointed out the window, laughing at how real the cat on the bag looked.” The revelation clicked into place. Alexa had been trying to alert the family to the “giant cat” outside.

The sweet Newfoundland girl had spent the entire night on high alert, guarding her family from what she perceived as a looming threat. Her loyalty and protectiveness were touching, even if the threat was just a picture on a bag.

A Family Laughs Together

The family couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. “It was hilarious,” they said, but Alexa had her own thoughts. In a humorous tone, she seemed to say, “Sure… Now you’re laughing! If it wasn’t for me, you’d be attacked by that evil kitty cat. You were all asleep. I don’t wanna imagine what would happen to y’all if she got in.”

He Couldn't Sleep Until He Solved the Midnight Mystery of His Barking Dog-1
Source: @ctinab2

Alexa’s dedication to her family’s safety, even against an imaginary foe, was commendable. She humorously warned, “Don’t be deceived. That cat was alive last night, I’m telling ya! I gotta rest today because she’s striking back tonight. This time, I’m prepared for the battle.”

Christina reassured Alexa that the bag of cat food had been moved away from the window. “Well, Alexa, that was mighty brave of you, but you should know that mommy moved the bag of kitty food away from the window, so you won’t be bothered by it anymore.”

Despite the comedic misunderstanding, Alexa’s actions underscored her role as a vigilant guardian. The family appreciated her efforts, ending the ordeal with a newfound appreciation for their protective pup.


  • JasperUmbra

    Have you tried using calming sprays or diffusers for Alexa? They helped my dog with nighttime barking.

  • Tigger_Kinetic

    Thank you for sharing this. My dog also barks at the most random things. Makes me feel less alone!

  • Theodore2

    Haha, that is hilarious! A cat food bag? Poor Alexa must’ve been so confused! 😂

  • janeecho

    Did you ever consider it might be something more serious? Dogs usually have good instincts.

  • Wow, what a story! Alexa is one determined pup. 😊

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