September 30, 2024

Heartache and Hope: Senior Pup’s Emotional Journey Back to Shelter

Heartache and Hope: Senior Pup's Emotional Journey Back to Shelter


Chiquitita’s Heartbreaking Journey

If dogs could express their feelings, happiness would undoubtedly mean having a family that cherishes them and a home where they feel safe. Sadly, many dogs face a tough battle in finding this joy.

Chiquitita, a 12-year-old pup, is among those shelter dogs yearning for a place to call home. For over 650 days, she has been dreaming of a family to love her.

Her journey has been fraught with challenges. She was once a bait dog in a cruel fighting ring. After being rescued, she was taken to a shelter where she battled fear and arthritis.

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Source: Watauga Humane Society

Space was running out at the shelter, and tragically, Chiquitita was placed on the euthanasia list. However, a former staff member intervened, reaching out to Watauga Humane Society for help.

New Beginnings at Watauga Humane Society

The Watauga Humane Society welcomed Chiquitita with open arms. The staff instantly recognized that she needed immense love to overcome her deep-seated fears.

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Source: Watauga Humane Society

Despite the noisy and unsettling shelter environment, the staff fell in love with her and hoped she would soon find a forever home. Chiquitita’s fear was palpable, but the staff remained dedicated to her well-being.

“Shelter life was not for Chiqui. The noises terrified her, the floor was too slick for her comfort, and she was restless,” the shelter posted on Facebook, highlighting her struggle to adapt.

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Source: Watauga Humane Society

Chiquitita needed a loving home where she could feel safe and cherished. The shelter staff worked tirelessly to find her a foster family who could provide the care she desperately needed.

Hope in a Foster Home

Fortune smiled upon Chiquitita when a kind couple decided to foster her. They showered her with love, helping her chase away her fears and become a happier pup.

Chiquitita thrived in her foster home, enjoying snuggles on the couch and car rides. Her transformation was heartwarming, and she lived her best life with her foster family.

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Source: Watauga Humane Society

To boost her adoption chances, her fosters trained her to walk on a leash and took her to events. They even shared her photos with strangers they met during walks.

Despite their efforts, Chiquitita continued waiting for her forever home. Her need to be the only pet in the household made her search more challenging.

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Source: Watauga Humane Society

Disappointment Strikes

In December 2023, Chiquitita’s foster family decided to adopt her. The shelter staff was overjoyed, believing she had finally found her happiness after so long.

However, a few months later, Chiquitita was returned to the shelter as her family could no longer provide the care she required. The heartbreak was immense for everyone involved.

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Source: Watauga Humane Society

The shelter emphasized on Facebook that while there’s a right home for every pet, sometimes pairings don’t work out. They urged the community not to judge the family for their difficult decision.

Despite the setback, Chiquitita remains hopeful. She continues to dream of a family who will cherish her and give her the love she deserves. We hold onto hope that Chiquitita will soon find her forever home.


  • Stella_Midnight

    Aww, poor Chiquitita! Can I donate to help with her care? 🐾

  • Why did the foster family decide to return her? Seems pretty harsh after committing to adoption.

  • What a touching story! I hope Chiquitita finds her forever home soon. She deserves all the love and care. ❤️

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