June 1, 2024

Heartache and Miracles: The Unbelievable Journey of a Missing Family Dog

Heartache and Miracles: The Unbelievable Journey of a Missing Family Dog


Unimaginable Loss

Leia was saved from a puppy mill during a raid and found a new home with a loving family in Maryland. Since her adoption, she has brought unending joy to her household. Her bond with her dad, Mark, was particularly strong, leading him to take her everywhere he went.

For seven blissful years, Leia and her family shared an unbreakable bond of love and happiness. That all changed in an instant on one fateful day that would alter their lives forever.

On October 11th, 2022, Mark and Leia visited a neighbor’s house. The day was unfolding as usual, with Mark chatting with neighbors while Leia played nearby. But then, a guest left the door ajar, and in a heartbeat, Leia vanished.

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Source: @fancyleia

“I think she got a scent of maybe some deer in the area and chased them,” said Patty, Mark’s wife, in an interview for GeoBeats. Immediate searches yielded no signs of Leia, and a week passed with no trace of her.

The Grueling Search

Despite their heartbreak, Leia’s family knew tears wouldn’t bring her back. They contacted the organization Lost and Found Pets of Anne Arundel County for help, initiating a long and arduous search.

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Source: @fancyleia

A dedicated volunteer named Donna advised Mark and Patty to post signs everywhere. After nearly three weeks, a couple driving by saw Leia in the woods and informed the family.

“We walked into the woods and sure enough, she was standing back there, probably about 50 feet away from me,” Patty recalled. But the presence of too many people spooked Leia, causing her to run deeper into the forest.

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Source: @fancyleia

For three exhausting months, the family tried everything to locate her. Leia cleverly kept changing locations, making it nearly impossible to catch her.

A Ray of Hope

Just two days before New Year’s Eve, a woman spotted a dog resembling Leia at the forest’s edge, miles away from her last known location. The family confirmed it was Leia and sprang into action.

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Source: @fancyleia

Donna, who had been tirelessly helping them, enlisted an engineer to build a giant missy trap equipped with a laser trip mechanism. “When the dog would go past the laser, it would make the door shut and lock,” Patty explained.

After almost two weeks of playing cat-and-mouse, Leia was finally lured deep into the cage by the food left for her every night.

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Source: @fancyleia

On January 21st, 2023, Patty proudly announced on Instagram: “We got her!”

A Joyous Reunion

“It was such an exciting moment to walk down into those woods and have her see me and know who I was,” Patty said through tears. Leia was finally home. Though she wasn’t the same dog, the family’s hearts swelled with joy at having their beloved girl back.

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Source: @fancyleia

Exhausted, frozen, and terrified, Leia initially flinched at every approach from her mom or other family members. But over time, she began to regain her cheerful demeanor that had once defined her.

Leia allowed herself to be cuddled again and started sleeping next to her mom, a clear sign she was recovering from her traumatic experience.

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Source: @fancyleia

The culmination of their joy came when her daddy returned from a long trip. This emotional saga ended with a reunion that the family will cherish forever.

Everything fell into place, and once again, they were a big, happy family.


  • dylanflux

    This is such an amazing story! But I can’t help but think, how could they let the door open like that?! 🤔

  • Did they ever find out how Leia survived for so long in the wild? Incredible story!

  • Mackenzie

    Wow, what an emotional rollercoaster! So happy Leia is back with her family. 🐾❤️

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