September 2, 2024

Heartbreaking Discovery: Woman Finds Abandoned Pets with Heart-Wrenching Note

Heartbreaking Discovery: Woman Finds Abandoned Pets with Heart-Wrenching Note


Unexpected Rescue Mission

One summer morning, while perusing Facebook, a woman named Ariel Poirier came across a post that made her heart sink. A neighbor had stumbled upon an abandoned enclosure in the middle of the street while walking their dog. They couldn’t take it in, so they reached out to the community for help.

Poirier instantly recognized the type of enclosure described and felt an urgent need to act. She loved animals deeply and couldn’t bear the thought of any pet being abandoned, no matter how small. She rushed to the location, fearing the worst after a heavy storm had passed through the town the previous night.

Her fears were confirmed when she arrived. The enclosure was flooded, and taped to the front was a note that read, “Free to a good home. 4 hermit crabs.” The sight was heartbreaking, but Poirier was determined to help these little creatures.

Heartbreaking Discovery: Woman Finds Abandoned Pets with Heart-Wrenching Note-1
Source: Tiktok

The enclosure was in terrible condition, with mold and gnats all over it. The hermit crabs themselves were in poor shape; their shells were too small and painted with toxic colors. Poirier knew she had to act fast and took the enclosure home without a moment’s hesitation.

A Much-Needed Makeover

Luckily, Poirier had been researching hermit crabs, hoping to own some in the future. She had learned about creating the perfect habitat and providing the necessary care, though she hadn’t expected to put her knowledge into practice so soon. Despite feeling overwhelmed, she refused to give up on the tiny creatures.

Heartbreaking Discovery: Woman Finds Abandoned Pets with Heart-Wrenching Note-1
Source: Ariel Poirier via The Dodo 

Seeking help, Poirier posted in the Land Hermit Crab Owners Society (LHCOS) Facebook group. A local rescuer reached out, offering valuable guidance and recommendations. She also received supplies and a care package from another neighbor who had recently lost their own hermit crab.

With the help of these kindhearted individuals, Poirier was able to create one of the coolest habitats for her new pets. The transformation was remarkable, and the hermit crabs immediately took to their new home.

Heartbreaking Discovery: Woman Finds Abandoned Pets with Heart-Wrenching Note-1
Source: Ariel Poirier via The Dodo

The crabs not only received an incredible new environment but also new, properly-sized, non-toxic shells. They were finally given the safe and comfortable home they deserved, thanks to Poirier’s dedication and the community’s support.

In the end, Poirier couldn’t be happier with her unexpected new family members. Naming them Peach, Krebs, Pierre, and Juniper, she felt a sense of joy and fulfillment she hadn’t anticipated. The little family couldn’t have asked for a better ending, and Poirier was thrilled to provide them with the love and care they needed.


  • How can people be so cruel? Thank goodness for people like Ariel!

  • isabellawisp

    Wow, incredible work! Can you share more about the habitat setup?

  • Great job, Ariel! But seriously, painted shells? Who does that? 🤦‍♀️

  • Why would someone abandon pets like that? It breaks my heart!

  • It’s amazing how Ariel turned things around for those crabs. Big thank you! 👍

  • This is so heartwarming! How are the crabs doing now? 🦀💖

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