May 28, 2024

Kayaker’s Unexpected Discovery in the Reeds Leads to Unbelievable Rescue

Kayaker's Unexpected Discovery in the Reeds Leads to Unbelievable Rescue


Unseen Eyes

A kayaker gliding down the South River in Maryland made a startling discovery. Peering out from the dense reeds, something seemed to be watching him. Curiosity piqued, he paddled closer, never expecting the encounter would involve such a majestic creature.

On the same day, bird rescuer Donna Cole received an urgent call about an eagle struck by a car. The injured bird had sought refuge along the South River. A diligent police officer had already arrived, managing to steer traffic away from the distressed eagle.

Upon arrival, Donna quickly realized the rescue wouldn’t be easy. The eagle had chosen a well-hidden and thorny spot, making it nearly impossible to reach from the land. “It was a deeply wooded area with a lot of bramble,” Donna shared.

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Source: Facebook

Understanding the challenge ahead, Donna knew she had to approach the rescue from the water. This wouldn’t be a simple task, but her resolve was unwavering.

Challenging Rescue

Donna reached out to John Flood, a board member of the Arundel Rivers Federation, who owned a boat and was eager to assist. “John was pretty much immediately up for this adventure,” Donna said.

As they navigated the river, they spotted the eagle quickly. However, the bird, still wary, evaded capture once more. The scorching sun beat down as they searched tirelessly, but their efforts seemed in vain.

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Source: Facebook

With no success, Donna returned home, preparing for another attempt. Just then, a call from the Owl Moon Raptor Center changed everything. A kayaker had sighted the eagle on the opposite bank. Donna’s heart leaped with renewed hope.

“It felt like a miracle,” Donna exclaimed. “First, the officer found the eagle, and now, a kayaker had spotted it again.”

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Source: Facebook

Renewed Hope

Determined, Donna and John set out once more, this time vowing to bring the bird back. “John and I were both like, ‘Okay, we’ve got to do this,’” Donna said with determination.

They soon found the kayaker, who had patiently waited near the eagle’s hiding spot. John navigated as close as possible while Donna prepared for the difficult task ahead.

With a swift motion, Donna jumped into the muddy waters, losing her shoe but not her resolve. She managed to grab the injured eagle, securing it for transport.

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Source: Facebook

They rushed the bird to the Owl Moon Raptor Center, where it would receive the necessary treatment. Donna couldn’t contain her joy and gratitude. The eagle was finally safe.

Triumphant Rescue

Reflecting on the ordeal, Donna expressed her immense gratitude. Everyone’s efforts had led to the successful rescue of this incredible creature.

“This was the longest, most impossible rescue I’ve ever done,” she admitted. Relief washed over her as the eagle began its recovery journey.

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Source: Facebook

Donna’s story is a testament to determination and teamwork. It highlights the incredible lengths people will go to protect and save wildlife.

This rescue will forever be etched in Donna’s memory. It stands as a remarkable example of human compassion and the unyielding spirit to save those in need.


  • MiloQuantum2

    Why didn’t they call for more help sooner? Seems like it could have been less stressful for the eagle and the rescuers!

  • JadeEmpyreal7

    Such a touching story! But I wonder, how long did the whole rescue operation take from start to finish?

  • This is incredible! I can’t believe the eagle was hit by a car and still survived. How did the kayaker manage to spot it again?

  • BaileyBlizzard

    Donna and John are heroes! Thank you for saving that beautiful bird. 🦅

  • oliviazephyr

    Wow, what an amazing story! How is the eagle doing now? 😊

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