May 31, 2024

Meet The Determined Pup Who Became The Most Unlikely Foster Parent

Meet The Determined Pup Who Became The Most Unlikely Foster Parent


Meet Nubby

Lou received an urgent call about a Boxer pup born without front legs, looking for a loving home. Without hesitation, she rushed to bring him into their family. Her husband, Mark, was initially unaware of the mission but immediately felt a deep connection when holding the pup, deciding to give their all to help him thrive.

Their first night with Nubby was far from easy. Mark shared, “Our first night with Nubby was horrible. We got up every hour.” Despite the rough start and a critical ICU visit, Nubby showcased his fighting spirit by making a full recovery, proving that he was a born survivor.

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Source: Facebook

Determined to make Nubby’s life enjoyable, Lou and Mark crafted a LEGO wheelchair for him. To their amazement, Nubby adapted quickly, scooting around with enthusiasm. This resilient puppy never let his disability hold him back, constantly jumping and crawling, showing his zest for life.

Inspired by his determination, Lou and Mark turned his leg-strengthening exercises into an exciting adventure. Over time, Nubby learned to stand and eventually leap. His parents remarked, “Nubby figured out that he could launch himself and jump. It’s as if he is not missing anything.”

Meet The Determined Pup Who Became The Most Unlikely Foster Parent-1
Source: Facebook

Here Comes The Litter

As Nubby grew, he became an affectionate and lively dog, loved by his human family and animal siblings. One day, Lou and Mark rescued a pregnant dog, soon to give birth to six puppies. Nubby was overjoyed, becoming the most enthusiastic and caring older sibling to the newborns.

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Source: Youtube

Not only did Nubby bring endless joy to the puppies, but he also showed remarkable caretaking abilities, ensuring the little ones were always safe. His actions demonstrated that a disability doesn’t define one’s ability to love and care. “He teaches that every single day,” his parents said.

The couple emphasized Nubby’s lesson: “Just because you have a limb difference, or just because you are different, period, doesn’t mean that you don’t have a quality of life.” Nubby’s positivity and perseverance offered hope and inspiration to everyone who met him.

Meet The Determined Pup Who Became The Most Unlikely Foster Parent-1
Source: Facebook

With Nubby as their role model, the puppies are sure to grow into strong and happy dogs, ready to find their own homes. This incredible story of resilience and unconditional love is a testament to the strength of the canine spirit. Good luck, little ones!


  • leahcelestia7

    OMG, Nubby is adorable! I can’t believe how resilient dogs can be. Lou and Mark are incredible for giving him such a loving home. 🐶

  • That’s amazing! But I wonder, how do they manage to keep up with all those puppies? Must be a lot of work!

  • This is absolutely heartwarming. Nubby’s story brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing this beautiful journey!

  • christian

    Wow, what an inspiring story! Nubby is a true hero. How do you even begin to build a LEGO wheelchair for a pup? 💖

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