May 27, 2024

Owner’s Cruel Words Couldn’t Diminish This Dog’s Journey to Love

Owner's Cruel Words Couldn't Diminish This Dog's Journey to Love


Escaping The Cruelty

At the venerable age of 18, a Toy Poodle found himself surrendered to a vet. This poor little dog, blind and toothless, was seeking affection in his twilight years but was instead abandoned, scared, and alone. When asked why, the owner coldly responded, “He’s stupid.”

The vet clinic’s staff was astounded by such heartlessness. They took one look at the tiny dog and knew euthanizing him was not an option. Tests revealed he was blind, arthritic, and toothless, but otherwise fairly healthy for an 18-year-old dog.

Even though he was advanced in age, there was no necessity to end his life. The clinic decided to give him a chance at a peaceful and loving end. This decision marked the beginning of a new chapter for him.

The clinic’s compassion set the wheels in motion for a brighter future. They reached out to a rescue organization that specializes in senior dogs, hoping to find a sanctuary for this gentle soul.

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Source: Facebook

A Second Chance At Happiness

The vet clinic contacted Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco, California. They readily agreed to welcome this frightened and bewildered dog. Sherri Franklin, the founder, took him into her home given his health issues and past trauma.

Franklin described him as a “total love bug” who loved to curl up next to her. She cherished him deeply, providing the comfort and love he so desperately needed. It was clear that he only needed a bit of care to thrive.

In just four days of being at the rescue, a perfect home emerged for him. An experienced hospice caregiver, Eileen, reached out as soon as she heard about him, believing he was perfect despite his past.

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Source: thedodo

Eileen, who had already cared for four other hospice dogs, welcomed him as her fifth “hospice angel.” She was determined to offer him the love and security he deserved, making his final days joyous and filled with affection.

Finding A Forever Home

Figgy’s journey to his new home was swift. Eileen provided everything he needed to feel safe and loved. His previous owner’s harsh words were a distant memory as he settled into his new, caring environment.

Figgy was finally in a place where he felt warmth and love, a stark contrast to the cold abandonment he had faced. He was no longer alone but surrounded by people who truly cared for him.

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Source: Youtube

Eileen’s dedication to hospice care for senior dogs ensured that Figgy’s last days would be the best days of his life. Her home became his sanctuary, filled with love and comfort.

Every moment spent with Eileen was a moment filled with tenderness. Figgy’s story, once marked by cruelty, now shone with compassion and love, thanks to the kindness of strangers turned family.

A Legacy of Love

Figgy’s transformation from an unwanted pet to a beloved family member is a testament to the power of compassion. His life, once deemed worthless, became rich with love and care.

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Source: Facebook

Sherri Franklin’s decision to take him home and Eileen’s commitment to providing hospice care exemplify the impact of kindness on a vulnerable life. They gave Figgy the dignity and love he deserved.

This story reminds us of the importance of senior dog rescues and the incredible difference they can make. Figgy’s journey from despair to happiness is a beacon of hope for many other senior dogs.

We celebrate Figgy’s final days, filled with love and joy, and honor the compassionate individuals who made it possible. Their actions ensure that Figgy’s legacy will be one of love and care, inspiring others to see the value in every life, no matter how old or frail.


  • DaisyUnity7

    Such an amazing transformation for Figgy! It’s stories like these that remind us how important senior dog rescues are. ❤️

  • LoganSeraphim

    How could anyone call a dog “stupid”? 🥺 I’m so glad Figgy found a loving home. Thank you, Eileen, for your big heart!

  • brooklyn0

    Wow, what a heartwarming story! 🐾 Thank you to everyone who helped Figgy find love in his final days. Truly inspiring! 😊

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