June 3, 2024

Pup Owner Finds Her Beloved Dog Up for Adoption After Believing He Was Put Down

Pup Owner Finds Her Beloved Dog Up for Adoption After Believing He Was Put Down


Kristie and Beau: A Tough Beginning

Kristie Pereira eagerly adopted Beau, a charming hound-mix from a Virginia shelter, full of excitement for their future together. Each day was filled with joyful playdates and serene nap times. However, after a few months, Beau’s behavior started to change, which deeply concerned Kristie.

Upon visiting the vet, she learned Beau might have neurological issues. Despite the prescribed medication, Beau’s condition did not improve. With a heavy heart, Kristie took him to an emergency room in Maryland, where Beau’s severe health problems were confirmed.

The medical professionals suggested invasive and costly tests that were unlikely to help. Faced with a difficult decision, they recommended euthanasia as the most humane option. After much contemplation, Kristie decided to take Beau to Montgomery County Animal Services to end his suffering.

Pup Owner Finds Her Beloved Dog Up for Adoption After Believing He Was Put Down-1
Source: FOX 5 Washington DC

Due to the service’s policies, Kristie had to say her painful goodbyes outside the procedure room. She handed Beau over, believing she was doing what was best for him. This heart-wrenching moment left her devastated.

Unexpected Turn of Events

At Montgomery County Animal Services, the policy required Kristie to fill out a form for humane euthanasia. The form included a clause stating that the service could treat and rehome the pet if deemed necessary. Unbeknownst to Kristie, this was to be Beau’s fate.

Pup Owner Finds Her Beloved Dog Up for Adoption After Believing He Was Put Down-1
Source: FOX 5 Washington DC

After a comprehensive examination, the vets discovered Beau’s issue was related to his liver and could be treated. Instead of euthanizing him, they treated Beau and sent him back to his original shelter in Virginia, unknowingly sparking a series of events Kristie would never have imagined.

Still grieving, Kristie stumbled upon a Facebook post one day. To her utter shock, it featured Beau, now up for adoption. She was overwhelmed with confusion and disbelief. Her beloved pup was alive, but why was he not returned to her?

Pup Owner Finds Her Beloved Dog Up for Adoption After Believing He Was Put Down-1
Source: FOX 5 Washington DC

Kristie described the experience as “an emotional rollercoaster,” feeling as though she had lost and regained her “little baby” in the most unimaginable way. The discovery left her reeling with mixed emotions.

Communication Breakdown

Montgomery County Animal Services explained their policy to Fox 32. They stated they only contact owners if they decide not to euthanize the pet, provided the owner expresses immediate regret. This policy left Kristie in the dark about Beau’s true fate.

Kristie recalled being advised that euthanizing Beau was the best choice due to his major health issues. She followed the advice, only to later find out her beloved pup’s life had been spared and he was up for adoption.

Pup Owner Finds Her Beloved Dog Up for Adoption After Believing He Was Put Down-1
Source: @kristiepereira_

The adoption organization empathized with Kristie’s situation but maintained its strict policy of not returning surrendered pets to their previous owners. This policy ensured that once Beau was treated, he was put up for adoption without notifying Kristie.

Despite understanding the policy, Kristie struggled with the emotional turmoil. She had surrendered Beau believing it was the most humane decision, only to find him alive and well, yet out of her reach.

Pup Owner Finds Her Beloved Dog Up for Adoption After Believing He Was Put Down-1
Source: @kristiepereira_

A Heartfelt Conclusion

Kristie’s story highlights the complex emotions that come with making tough decisions for our furry friends. Her experience is a reminder of the intense bond between pets and their owners, and the deep anguish felt when that bond is tested.

Though Beau found himself back in the shelter system, the hope is that he will find a loving home once more. Meanwhile, Kristie continues to process the unexpected turn of events and the rollercoaster of emotions she has endured.

Pup Owner Finds Her Beloved Dog Up for Adoption After Believing He Was Put Down-1
Source: @kristiepereira_

For pet owners, this story is a poignant reminder to ask all the necessary questions and fully understand policies when faced with such decisions. The welfare of our beloved pets depends on thorough communication and clear understanding.

As Kristie navigates her way through this emotional journey, one thing is certain: the love she has for Beau will always remain strong, regardless of the circumstances. Her story serves as a testament to the unbreakable bond between humans and their pets.


  • laurensymphony

    Who else thinks the shelter’s policy needs a serious overhaul? This shouldn’t happen! 😠

  • sadie_essence

    Such a rollercoaster! I’m glad Beau is okay but the lack of communication is appalling.

  • Did Kristie manage to get Beau back? I hope she did!

  • SamuelMirage

    Wow, just wow. This must have been such a confusing and emotional experience for you.

  • I’m so sorry for what you went through, Kristie. Sending lots of love and hugs! 💗

  • SadieEmpyreal

    This is unbelievable! How could they not inform her about Beau’s recovery? 😡

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