May 25, 2024

Puppies Left Alone on a Midnight Roadside: A Tale of Fear and Hope

Puppies Left Alone on a Midnight Roadside: A Tale of Fear and Hope


Abandoned at Night: A Shocking Discovery

At the break of dawn, the dedicated staff at Furgiven Animal Sanctuary in West Memphis, Arkansas, stumbled upon a disturbing sight. An empty crate sat perilously close to a bustling road. The mystery deepened as they checked the CCTV footage, revealing the crate was left there during the night.

Questions swirled as they watched the footage. It showed two tiny puppies being abandoned at 2:30 a.m., their fate unknown. The staff’s hearts sank as they realized the puppies were missing. Desperate searches yielded no results, and fear began to take hold.

Director and Co-founder, Lee Ridings, speculated that the puppies were left at night due to the overcrowded shelters. He voiced his concerns, noting that placing the crate so close to the road put the pups in grave danger.

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Source: @furgivensanctuary

Relief washed over the staff when, later that morning, they saw the puppies return to the same spot. The pups, eyes wide with fear, began to bark, their little hearts pounding with uncertainty and confusion.

The Fearful Puppies Return

Ridings expressed his shock and dismay at the situation, observing that the crate was just a foot from the road and lined with roofing shingles instead of a proper bottom. The risk to the puppies was immense.

As the staff attempted to coax the frightened pups, they realized it would be no easy task. The puppies were wary, their trust in humans shattered. Treats and gentle words were met with hesitation and fear.

Puppies Left Alone on a Midnight Roadside: A Tale of Fear and Hope-1
Source: @furgivensanctuary

Despite their best efforts, the staff managed to place a leash on one puppy, naming him Dell. His sister, Brynn, however, was still too scared to be captured. The painstaking process of gaining her trust continued.

Persistence paid off as Brynn eventually entered the crate, lured by the promise of food. The staff’s patience was rewarded, and Brynn was finally safe, joining her brother Dell in the sanctuary.

Puppies Left Alone on a Midnight Roadside: A Tale of Fear and Hope-1
Source: @furgivensanctuary

Bringing the Puppies to Safety

Once inside the sanctuary, the puppies were immediately taken to the vet. They were found to be malnourished but otherwise in good health. The compassionate staff showered them with love and care.

As the days passed, the puppies began to relax, their personalities blossoming. They greeted the staff with wagging tails and joyful barks, their eyes now shining with hope.

The transformation was heartwarming. Dell and Brynn became cuddle bugs, eagerly anticipating visits from their human friends. The once frightened pups now exuded happiness and trust.

Puppies Left Alone on a Midnight Roadside: A Tale of Fear and Hope-1
Source: @furgivensanctuary

The sanctuary staff hoped that these adorable siblings would soon find their forever home, where they could continue to spread joy and love. Their journey from fear to trust was a testament to the power of compassion.

A Bright Future Ahead

With every passing day, Dell and Brynn grew stronger, both physically and emotionally. Their playful antics and affectionate nature endeared them to everyone they met.

The staff at Furgiven Animal Sanctuary were committed to finding the perfect home for the siblings. They knew that these puppies had a lot of love to give and deserved a family that would cherish them.

Puppies Left Alone on a Midnight Roadside: A Tale of Fear and Hope-1
Source: @furgivensanctuary

The story of Dell and Brynn serves as a reminder of the importance of kindness and perseverance. The sanctuary’s unwavering dedication ensured a bright future for these once-abandoned pups.

As Dell and Brynn continue to thrive, the sanctuary remains hopeful that they will soon find a forever family to call their own. Until then, they are surrounded by love and care from their sanctuary friends.


  • theodoreechoes

    Can we get updates on Dell and Brynn’s progress? Would love to see them find a forever home soon!

  • Why would someone use roofing shingles in the crate? It’s just so irresponsible!

  • skylarquantum1

    Wow, what a tale! I can’t believe Brynn finally trusted you enough to be captured. Great job!

  • This story just made my day! Those puppies are so lucky to have found you guys. 🐶

  • Trinity_Citadel

    Do the puppies have any health issues from their ordeal? Poor babies!

  • How could someone be so heartless to leave puppies like that? 😢 Glad they were found in time!

  • I’m so relieved that Dell and Brynn are safe now! Thank you to the Furgiven Animal Sanctuary for your incredible work. ❤️

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