May 20, 2024

Puppy’s Unbelievable Transformation After Being Abandoned With a Swollen Belly

Puppy's Unbelievable Transformation After Being Abandoned With a Swollen Belly


Unfortunate Fate

There was a devastating moment when a sweet pup was heartlessly thrown from a moving truck into a landfill. At first, she thought it was a mistake and chased after the truck, but her efforts were in vain, and she collapsed on the road. Despite her struggle, she couldn’t get back up and just lay there, too sick to move. Fortunately, rescuers spotted her and hurried to her aid.

As the rescuers approached, they noticed her belly was enormous, leading them to believe she was pregnant. But what they discovered was far more shocking. The poor girl wasn’t pregnant at all; her belly was swollen like a balloon, ready to burst at any moment. Yet, she was extremely malnourished, with her ribs and spine painfully visible. She was a skinny pup with a huge belly!

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Source: Animal Shelter

When she was finally taken to the vet, the doctors were stunned. After her examination, they found out that her stomach was full of liquid, likely due to liver failure. Additionally, she had a severely infested, open wound on her leg, making it impossible for her to walk.

Her condition was dire, but the rescuers were determined to help her. They named her Azalea and began the urgent care she needed. Rescuers gave her food, which she devoured, preparing her for the procedure to drain her stomach. The vets drained more than a gallon of fluid from her belly, a testament to how critical her situation was.

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Source: Animal Shelter

Helping Hands

Azalea’s journey to recovery had just begun. With her stomach drained, the next step was to nurse her back to health. Given her liver failure, she was prescribed numerous medications and required constant observation. The rescuers and vets worked tirelessly to ensure she got the best care possible.

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Source: Animal Shelter

After spending a month and a half at the vet, Azalea was finally discharged. The hooman that took care of her the most completely fell in love with her and her resilience, deciding to take her in. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in Azalea’s life.

Named Azalea, she was brought to her new home where she met other pups. These new furry friends helped her feel safe and learn how fun it was to be a dog. Azalea was no longer alone; she had a family that cared deeply for her.

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Source: Animal Shelter

Two weeks later, Azalea returned to the vet for a check-up. Her medications were working, and her liver was doing much better. The vets were amazed to see this once-depressed pup now running around happily, demanding attention and kisses from anyone she met. Azalea was finally happy!

Puppy's Unbelievable Transformation After Being Abandoned With a Swollen Belly-1
Source: Animal Shelter

Final Word

I am sure that, with time, Azalea will fully restore her health, gain a lot of healthy weight, and forget all about her dark past. This story is a powerful reminder that animals have feelings too, and abandoning them, especially when they are sick, can have devastating effects.

If your pets fall ill and you are unable to care for them, please take them to your local shelter. Explain to the staff what happened and give your furry friend a second chance at life. Azalea’s story is a testament to the resilience of animals and the importance of compassion and care.

Puppy's Unbelievable Transformation After Being Abandoned With a Swollen Belly-1
Source: Animal Shelter

Thank you for following Azalea’s journey. I hope it inspires you to always stand by your pets, no matter how tough the situation may be. They rely on us for love and care, and in return, they give us unconditional love. Let’s ensure every pet gets the chance to live a happy and healthy life.


  • Azalea is such a strong girl! How can we donate to support the shelter?

  • LincolnSpecter

    I cried reading this. Thank you to everyone who helped Azalea. You’re all heroes!

  • jacksonflux

    Who could do such a thing to an innocent pup? So glad she found a loving home!

  • jaydencascade

    Such a touching story. It’s amazing what love and care can do. 🙏

  • harrison0

    OMG, that transformation is incredible! Major props to the rescuers. 🥺

  • How is Azalea doing now? Is she still on medication?

  • This story broke my heart and then mended it. Thank you for sharing Azalea’s journey. Truly inspiring! 🐾

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