August 8, 2024

Rescued Dog Finds Joy in New Dad’s Arms After Years of Neglect

Rescued Dog Finds Joy in New Dad's Arms After Years of Neglect


Once trapped in a cycle of mistreatment and abandonment, Plum yearned for human affection but was met with cruelty instead.

Her previous owners forced her into a puppy mill, where she continuously gave birth. When she was no longer useful, they discarded her at an overcrowded shelter in Riverside, California.

Plum, with tear-filled eyes, felt utterly terrified and withdrawn. She desperately needed someone to believe in her and offer a second chance.

Her fate seemed sealed until a determined group of rescuers came to her aid.

Jumping To Plum’s Rescue

After enduring three agonizing weeks in a noisy shelter, Plum was added to the euthanasia list.

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Source: Saving Riverside Shelter Dogs

She seemed to have lost all hope, her eyes void of any spark. It was as if she had resigned herself to her grim destiny.

The compassionate team at Saving Riverside Shelter Dogs, who specialize in helping at-risk dogs in Riverside, learned of Plum’s plight and decided to visit her.

They recorded a heart-wrenching video of Plum and shared it online.

The video moved many to tears, and the internet rallied for her rescue.

Amber Arpin and Imagine Peace for Pups Rescue swiftly intervened, pulling Plum from the shelter and placing her with a loving foster mom, Lea Candelo.

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Source: Amber Arpin

Candelo enveloped Plum in love and care, offering her a safe haven. Plum finally felt the warmth of genuine affection.

After a brief stay with her foster mom, Plum journeyed to Portland, Oregon, to start a new chapter.

Meeting Her Rescuers

The team at Imagine Peace for Pups was ecstatic to welcome Plum to her new life.

Zeb Walter, her soon-to-be forever dad, came to pick her up and bring her home.

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Source: Amber Arpin

Despite her rough past, Plum remained sweet and trusting, sensing that her life was about to change dramatically.

Upon arriving, Plum greeted her new dad and rescuers with enthusiastic kisses and wagging tails.

“Today she came out of the bus with her sweet face, and we almost lost it—she was so small, so thin, her eye so boogie, scarred and stiff back legs. But she walked over with open body language, gave kisses and wags, and was just totally trusting,” Imagine Peace for Pups shared on Facebook.

Her rescuers showered her with love and treated her to her first puppaccino. Plum’s eyes sparkled with joy.

A New Life Filled With Love

Plum bid farewell to her rescuers and entered her new home.

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Source: Amber Arpin

She was welcomed with open arms by her dad and her new furry sister, Miley.

For the first time, Plum felt truly loved, and she began to settle into her new life.

Within a week, Plum visited the vet and underwent surgery to remove two masses, which were found to be cancerous.

Fortunately, Plum triumphed over cancer.

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Source: @plumtherocketeer

“Miley and Plum did great at their vet appointment today. Both are in great health and weight. Also, Plum is cancer-free,” Walter joyfully shared on Facebook.

Plum now regularly updates her followers on Instagram, showcasing her love for hiking and park visits with her dad and Miley.

The joyful dog thrives in her new life, basking in the love she finally received.

Plum’s story is a testament to the power of second chances and the joy that comes from finding a forever home.

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  • Thank you for sharing Plum’s story! It made my day. 🙂

  • VictoriaMoonlight

    Why do people treat animals so cruelly? 😡

  • ella_mystic

    So glad Plum found her forever home. What a resilient little pup!

  • From despair to joy, what a journey for Plum! Kudos to her new dad and rescuers! 🐾

  • Such a heartwarming story! How is Plum adjusting to her new home so far? ❤️

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