June 6, 2024

Rescuers Couldn’t Believe Their Eyes When They Discovered This Starving Great Dane

Rescuers Couldn't Believe Their Eyes When They Discovered This Starving Great Dane


Determined to Save a Life

Witnessing a dog endure life’s harshest challenges without any fault of its own is truly heartbreaking. When rescuers from California’s Dogwood Animal Rescue found Ryder, a Great Dane, his condition was appalling. They were taken aback by his appearance and knew he needed urgent, extensive care to survive. They wasted no time in rushing him to their organization for help.

At the shelter, it became evident just how emaciated Ryder was. The team immediately began treatment, though they knew recovery would be slow. Ryder’s condition was so severe that he vomited what he ate and bled, making it a complex case. His weakened body couldn’t handle certain medications, necessitating injections as the only viable option.

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Source: Dogwood Animal Rescue Project

Despite the challenges, Ryder received skin treatments for mange. It was a waiting game to see if these treatments would be effective. To the amazement of the staff, Ryder’s body started to heal significantly in a short period. There was a sense of hope and astonishment at his resilience.

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Source: Dogwood Animal Rescue Project

Ryder’s progress allowed him to interact with other dogs at the shelter, bringing a bit of normalcy to his life. However, further vet visits revealed a new concern: Ryder had Megaesophagus, a condition where his esophagus was abnormally large, causing difficulties in eating and explaining his previous symptoms. This revelation was a new hurdle in his path to recovery.

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Source: Dogwood Animal Rescue Project

New Challenges and Hope

Despite the progress, the Megaesophagus diagnosis meant that Ryder couldn’t properly ingest food, leading to vomiting and rejection of conventional medication. This condition posed a significant threat to his well-being. However, the situation was not without hope. There were still options to help him lead a relatively normal life.

Rocky Kanaka, a seasoned dog rescuer, had experience with a similar case. He had successfully managed a dog with the same condition as Ryder. They discovered an innovative feeding technique that could potentially save Ryder’s life. This approach involved feeding him a “smoothie-like” consistency of food while keeping him upright in a specially-made chair.

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Source: Dogwood Animal Rescue Project

This method utilized gravity to assist the esophagus in functioning correctly, reducing the risk of further complications. This ingenious solution gave everyone hope, and Ryder’s rescue team decided to implement this treatment immediately. The transformation in Ryder was remarkable, and his progress was a testament to the dedication of his caretakers.

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Source: Dogwood Animal Rescue Project

While Ryder continued to recover, his rescue team remained committed to finding him a loving family. Their goal was to ensure Ryder found a permanent home where he would be cared for and loved. Until then, the compassionate team at Dogwood Animal Rescue would continue to support and nurture him.


  • levicelestial

    Could you share more details about the feeding technique? Sounds interesting.

  • alice_eclipse3

    What a transformation! Big thanks to everyone involved. Truly inspiring!

  • Ryder is such a brave boy! Love seeing his progress. Keep it up! 😊

  • Fantastic work, but how can we ensure more dogs like Ryder get help sooner?

  • Why do people let their pets get to this state? Breaks my heart. 😢

  • Thank goodness for Dogwood Animal Rescue! You guys are heroes. 💖

  • Wow, Ryder’s story is incredible! How is he doing now? 🐶

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