September 23, 2024

Rescuers Discover Shockingly Alive Dog on Roadside

Rescuers Discover Shockingly Alive Dog on Roadside


Unexpected Discovery on the Road

Driving along a freeway in Rubidoux, California, David Loop, the founder of Sierra Pacific Furbabies, noticed an unusual black shape near an exit ramp. Suspicious it could be an animal in need, Loop quickly stopped his car and hurried over. He was heartbroken to find a dog that appeared lifeless.

As he got closer, however, he realized the dog was still breathing. Loop wasted no time and immediately called his team for assistance. The dog, later named Shiloh, was alive but clearly in distress. Loop stayed close, comforting the frightened pup.

The rescue team arrived promptly, carefully lifting Shiloh and placing him on a soft bed in their truck. They headed straight for the emergency vet, with Loop comforting the injured dog during the journey. Feeling the warmth of human kindness, Shiloh began to calm down.

At the veterinary clinic, Shiloh’s charming demeanor won everyone’s hearts. Although he had no broken bones, he couldn’t move his back legs. The situation seemed dire, but the veterinary team was determined to help him recover.

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Source: @davidloop65

Shiloh Receives Urgent Help

Despite his injuries, Shiloh showed signs of resilience. The veterinary team conducted a thorough checkup and found he had head trauma and paralysis. “The prognosis was not good,” Loop shared on Instagram. Yet, this little fighter had an indomitable spirit.

The vets provided around-the-clock care, and soon Shiloh began to respond to pain in his back legs. This small victory filled everyone with hope. After a week of intensive care, the vet team decided Shiloh was ready to continue his recovery at Loop’s home.

Loop’s family welcomed Shiloh with open arms. They were unsure if he would ever walk again but were committed to giving him the best care. Shiloh was grateful for the love and attention he received from his new family.

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Source: @davidloop65

“We hand-fed him so he could regain his strength. He was the best patient ever,” Loop wrote. The family’s dedication and Shiloh’s fighting spirit made all the difference.

Recovering At Loop’s Home

Shiloh’s rehabilitation included various treatments, such as water therapy and laser treatment. But it was the immense love and care from Loop’s family that had the greatest impact on his recovery. Shiloh’s once-scared eyes began to shine with hope and affection.

When Shiloh wagged his tail for the first time, Loop’s family was overjoyed. They knew he was on the path to recovery and were motivated to support him even more. Each small progress was a cause for celebration.

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Source: @davidloop65

After a few weeks, Shiloh made a significant effort to sit up on his own. The family was emotional and continued to support him through every step of his recovery journey.

Loop described Shiloh as an “amazing little doggy [who] has a strong desire to live.” His resilience and determination inspired everyone around him.

A Life Filled With Love

A month after his rescue, Shiloh finally found his forever home. He eagerly jumped into his new mom’s arms, ready to start a joyful life. His new family adored him, and Shiloh’s happiness was evident in his sparkling eyes.

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Source: @davidloop65

Shiloh now lives his best life, filled with love and joy. He enjoys playing with his toys and has formed a close bond with his doggy sibling. Their friendship is heartwarming to witness.

We celebrate Shiloh’s remarkable recovery and his fighting spirit. His journey from a hopeless roadside to a loving home is truly inspiring.

Big thanks to David Loop and his family for their unwavering dedication and love for Shiloh. Their efforts have given him a second chance at life.

Rescuers Discover Shockingly Alive Dog on Roadside-1
Source: @davidloop65

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A post shared by David Loop (@davidloop65)


  • That’s incredible! I wish more people were as kind-hearted as David. Shiloh’s story brought tears to my eyes.

  • felixwhisper

    Wow, what a story! Kudos to David and his team for saving Shiloh. You guys are amazing!

  • DaisyBlizzard

    I’m so glad Shiloh is okay! 🐾 How is he doing now? Sending him lots of love! ❤️

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