August 12, 2024

Rescuers Hear Mysterious Cries From Dumpster and Make a Heart-Stopping Discovery

Rescuers Hear Mysterious Cries From Dumpster and Make a Heart-Stopping Discovery


When a kind-hearted individual detected unusual sounds emerging from a dumpster, it quickly became apparent that a desperate dog was making those cries.

They swiftly reached out to the Tullahoma Animal Shelter, alerting them about the distressing situation. Without hesitation, two rescuers, David Reed and Chris Cabral, raced to the scene.

Upon their arrival and peering into the dumpster, what they witnessed shattered their hearts.

Heartbreaking Scene

At the dumpster’s base, the rescuers discovered a dog trapped inside a tightly sealed white trash bag, unable to breathe, and had ceased barking.

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Source: Facebook

Despite fearing the worst, Reed and Cabral used a net to retrieve the bag from the dumpster.

They anxiously cut open the bag, and upon seeing the pup’s condition, they feared they might be too late.

“[H]e was not moving, crying or barking. When he began to breathe, they immediately contacted one of our veterinarians in order to get him emergency care,” Tullahoma Animal Shelter animal control manager Cheryl Rhoads shared.

The dog, named Oscar, was rushed to the vet, where he received subcutaneous fluids, essential medications, and a much-needed haircut.

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Source: Facebook

Initially weighing six pounds, after removing severe mats from his frail body, Oscar’s weight dropped to four and a half pounds.

Finally, in a nurturing and loving environment, Oscar began to thrive and look healthier.

New Life

Since Oscar is now part of an ongoing investigation to uncover what truly happened to him, he is not available for adoption despite numerous offers.

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Source: Facebook

However, he is currently fostered by a loving family who is dedicated to his full recovery.

And, Oscar is relishing his new life!

“Oscar has some sass to him. His favorite activity is to burrow up in blankets and sleep. He also likes to be held, but on his terms,” Rhoads mentioned.

Although he dislikes taking his medication, such as eye drops and ointments, Oscar enjoys snuggling into blankets for his naps.

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Source: Facebook

His rescuers are thrilled to see him transform from a pup fighting for his life to one enjoying it to the fullest.

I am confident the investigation will soon conclude, allowing Oscar to join a forever loving family.

Best wishes, Oscar!

Final Word

Regrettably, Oscar is not the only dog cruelly discarded.

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Source: Facebook

Numerous animals are abandoned by their owners, leaving them to survive the harsh realities of street life.

But, this should not be the case!

If, for any reason, you can no longer care for your pet, please take them to your local shelter and give them a second chance at life. They deserve it!

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  • Wow, what a rollercoaster of emotions! So happy Oscar is safe now!

  • Mackenzie

    Oscar’s story brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing this and raising awareness!

  • Seriously, people need to stop abandoning their pets. Take them to a shelter if you can’t care for them!

  • KaylaSapphire0

    Poor Oscar! I hope he finds his forever home soon. 🙏

  • Thank you, David and Chris, for saving Oscar! You guys are heroes! 🐾

  • ArianaFatespeaker2

    Who could do such a thing to a sweet dog like Oscar? 😡

  • EvanEnchant

    I’m so glad Oscar was rescued in time! What a brave little pup! ❤️

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