May 29, 2024

Service Dog Heroically Intervenes During Owner’s Seizure in Grocery Store

Service Dog Heroically Intervenes During Owner's Seizure in Grocery Store


A Miraculous Intervention

Service dogs are incredible companions for those facing medical challenges. They’re trained to detect issues and respond swiftly. A recent incident captured on video in a grocery store illustrates the life-saving role these dogs play.

Amber Laudicina from North Carolina depends on her service dog due to seizures triggered by brain damage from past cancer treatments. Her dog, Koda, still in training at just 11 months old, is ready to assist in emergencies.

While at Harris Teeter supermarket for training exercises, Amber started showing early signs of a seizure. Koda sensed the problem before Amber was fully aware of it.

Surveillance footage shows Koda barking to alert nearby people as Amber lost her balance and collapsed. Koda stayed close, ensuring Amber’s safety while she was disoriented. A knowledgeable store employee recognized Koda’s distress signal and immediately called for emergency help while Koda protected Amber.

Life-Saving Actions

He saved my life,” Amber told WGHP. “He prevented me from actually getting hurt and ending up truly in the hospital with a concussion or something worse.” This marked Koda’s first real emergency response. Amber remarked, “You can train and train for this but you don’t know how far you’ve come until it actually happens.”

Amber also expressed gratitude for the supermarket employees’ response. She noted that their actions went beyond her past experiences. “Employees typically don’t sit with me or anything like that. They tend to just stand around and wait for EMTs to arrive,” she said. This time, however, was different.

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Source: Image Source Credit via Tiktok

“[The assistant manager] pulled out all the stops,” Amber told WXII, highlighting the exceptional support she received. This level of care was something she hadn’t encountered before.

Fortunately, when emergency medical services arrived, they determined that Amber did not need hospitalization. To show her appreciation, Amber has created a GoFundMe page to thank the manager for her life-saving actions.

A Community’s Response

The community has shown immense support for Amber and Koda. Many are inspired by the strong bond between them and the vital role Koda plays in Amber’s life. This story serves as a powerful reminder of the significant impact service dogs have on their owners.

Amber’s GoFundMe page has seen a heartwarming response, with people eager to contribute and express their admiration for the assistant manager’s quick actions and Koda’s bravery.

The event has also sparked a conversation about the importance of training and awareness regarding service dogs and their critical functions. Many hope this story will encourage more businesses to train their employees on how to assist in such situations.

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Source: Image Source Credit via Tiktok

Koda’s heroic actions have not only saved Amber but also raised awareness about the essential role of service dogs. This story is a testament to the unwavering loyalty and life-saving abilities of these incredible animals.

Looking Ahead

As Koda continues his training, Amber feels more secure knowing she has a dedicated companion by her side. The bond between them grows stronger with each experience, reinforcing the importance of service dogs in medical emergencies.

Amber plans to continue advocating for service dog training and hopes her story will inspire others to recognize and support these amazing animals. Koda’s future looks bright as he continues to excel in his training and support Amber.

This story is a testament to the incredible bond between humans and their service dogs. It highlights the transformative impact these animals have on the lives of those they assist.

Amber and Koda’s journey is far from over, and their story will undoubtedly continue to inspire and educate others about the critical role of service dogs in our communities.


  • ryanluminous

    While it’s great Koda helped, I hope more businesses train their employees better for these situations. Amber got lucky this time, but what about next time?

  • simbadrifter

    I’m so glad Amber is okay. Service dogs really are incredible. Koda’s still in training and already saving lives? Just wow! 😊

  • This is amazing! Kudos to the Harris Teeter staff for being so attentive and quick-thinking. Not all stores are this responsive.

  • HarperOdyssey

    Wow, Koda is such a hero! 🐾 How long does it typically take to train a service dog for these kinds of emergencies?

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