May 31, 2024

The Nightly Escape of a Loving Dog: You Won’t Believe What She Does!

The Nightly Escape of a Loving Dog: You Won't Believe What She Does!


Mother Instincts Kick In

At Barkers Pet Motel and Grooming, Maggie, an adult Aussie-crossbred, was left for a couple of nights by her owners. Known for her good behavior, it was surprising to find her outside her kennel. The staff soon discovered her lying in front of another pen, trying to comfort two weeping puppies.

The puppies were just nine weeks old and had been weaned recently, making them cry frequently. Maggie, who had a litter just before her adoption, felt an overwhelming urge to be near them. Her motherly instincts kicked in, prompting her to offer solace to the little ones.

Sandi Aldred, the kennel’s owner, first noticed this unusual behavior while checking the surveillance footage during dinner. She saw Maggie sitting far from her kennel, right in front of the puppies’ pen. The sight was both touching and intriguing.

The Nightly Escape of a Loving Dog: You Won't Believe What She Does!-1
Source: Facebook

Determined to be close, Maggie attempted to kiss and play with the pups through the chain-link gate. Her dedication to comforting the puppies was evident and heartwarming, showcasing a profound sense of compassion and maternal care.

“Sneaky” Maggie Found A Way To The Puppies

Curious about Maggie’s escape, Aldred reviewed the footage, capturing Maggie’s clever escape through an opening designed for a water dish. This intelligent dog immediately made her way to the puppies’ kennel, demonstrating her determination and intelligence.

The Nightly Escape of a Loving Dog: You Won't Believe What She Does!-1
Source: CBC

Aldred observed Maggie’s interactions with the puppies on camera. Maggie’s tail wagged with excitement, and she performed little bows, poking at the puppies through the gate. It was clear that she felt a strong connection and wanted to be with them.

Realizing there was no stopping Maggie, the staff decided to let her into the puppies’ kennel. Maggie’s persistence paid off as she finally joined the pups, providing them with the much-needed comfort and companionship.

The Nightly Escape of a Loving Dog: You Won't Believe What She Does!-1
Source: CBC

“She just decided that was where she was going to stay until we came to get her,” Aldred remarked. Maggie’s unwavering dedication to the puppies was truly remarkable and showcased her nurturing nature.

A Match Made In Heaven…

After dinner, Aldred returned to the kennel to find Maggie eagerly waiting by the door, ready to be let in with the puppies. Maggie’s excitement was palpable as she led Aldred straight to the puppies’ kennel, knowing she would be let inside.

Once inside, it was clear that the three dogs shared a special bond. The puppies needed Maggie, and she needed them. It was a perfect match, and they spent the night cuddling and bonding.

The Nightly Escape of a Loving Dog: You Won't Believe What She Does!-1
Source: CBC

“The puppies needed her and she needed them. It was pretty perfect,” Aldred noted. The trio’s time together was a beautiful display of mutual need and affection.

Although their time together was brief, it was filled with love and warmth. Maggie and the puppies spent the night together, and by morning, they were still cuddling. Their bond was undeniable, but their fairytale soon had to end.

The Nightly Escape of a Loving Dog: You Won't Believe What She Does!-1
Source: Facebook

… But It Can’t Last Forever

Unfortunately, the night with the pups was Maggie’s last at the boarding center. Her owners came to pick her up the next day. They were thrilled to hear about Maggie’s sweet bond with the puppies, but they were eager to spend time with their new pet as well.

Aldred made sure to show Maggie’s owners how well she had cared for the puppies. They were not surprised, knowing Maggie’s motherly instincts from her previous litter. Maggie had always shown a nurturing side, even before her adoption.

The Nightly Escape of a Loving Dog: You Won't Believe What She Does!-1
Source: CBC

The puppies were left in good hands, with the boarding staff also falling in love with them. They hoped the two cuties would find their forever homes soon, as Maggie had left a lasting impact on everyone.

Maggie’s owners knew they had a special dog who possessed a remarkable sense of compassion. Her actions at the kennel only reinforced their belief in her extraordinary nature, leaving everyone inspired by her story.


  • willowcascade

    That’s adorable! Maggie sounds like a smart and loving dog. I hope the puppies find loving homes soon!

  • sebastiannebula

    Incredible story! Dogs really have amazing instincts. Has Maggie had any other adventures?

  • This is such a heartwarming story. Thank you for sharing it!

  • Wow, Maggie is such a hero! 🐶 How did she manage to get out of her kennel though?

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