September 15, 2024

The Unbelievable Story of a Chihuahua That Will Melt Your Heart

The Unbelievable Story of a Chihuahua That Will Melt Your Heart


A Very Unique Companion

Meet Falkor, a remarkably tiny Chimix who tips the scales at just three-and-a-half pounds. Her appearance often leaves people puzzled, questioning what kind of creature she really is.

„People think she’s a ghost or a pig. I still look at her sometimes and think ‘What are you? Where did you come from?’“ said Loren.

When Loren first laid eyes on Falkor, she couldn’t differentiate if she was a young pup or a senior dog. But her age was irrelevant; what she needed was help.

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Source: @falkorthegobliness

Rescued from a hoarding situation, Falkor was isolated, aggressive, and filthy. Loren felt a calling to rescue her.

Adjusting to a New Life

Bringing Falkor home, Loren vowed to ensure she would never feel neglected or scared again. She showered her with love and care.

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Source: @falkorthegobliness

A vet visit revealed that Falkor was between five and six years old and had albinism. Despite this, she was neither deaf nor blind.

Falkor’s small size and unique appearance could be misleading. Initially, she resisted Loren’s attempts to befriend her.

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Source: @falkorthegobliness

Loren had to use a towel to get her into a carrier as she was too scared to be picked up. But over time, Falkor began to trust her new family.

Building Trust

Falkor’s relationship with Loren blossomed, although she remains wary of others. She’s a one-person dog, deeply bonded with Loren.

„It took some time to earn her trust. She loves me but tolerates everyone else. So she’s definitely a one-person dog, I would say.“

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Source: @falkorthegobliness

She isn’t very sociable with other animals either. Loren attributes this to her past experiences in a cramped living condition with numerous animals.

French fries and sunbathing are among Falkor’s favorite activities, although Loren has to monitor her sun exposure due to her albinism.

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Source: @falkorthegobliness

A Forever Bond

Since Falkor joined her life, Loren has felt incredibly fortunate. Every day, Falkor brings joy and light into her world.

This unique pup is a constant source of happiness. Loren feels privileged to be her caretaker.

The Unbelievable Story of a Chihuahua That Will Melt Your Heart-1
Source: @falkorthegobliness

„It’s been an honor to get to be her person. I’ll never know why I was so lucky to have her in my life. She’s one of a kind, and I’ll never have another animal like her.

With every sunlit day and every shared moment, Loren cherishes the irreplaceable bond she shares with her extraordinary Chihuahua.


  • Falkor looks like such a unique pup! Thanks for sharing her story ❤️

  • pepperillusion

    This story is amazing, but I wish there were more details about her daily routine.

  • asherember

    I can’t believe how tiny Falkor is! How does she get along with other dogs?

  • Wow, Loren is a true hero! Falkor is lucky to have found her.

  • JaneWhisperwind8

    What a heartwarming story! How is Falkor doing now? 😊

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