September 21, 2024

The Unseen Watcher: A Hiker’s Surprising Discovery in the Wild

The Unseen Watcher: A Hiker's Surprising Discovery in the Wild


Unexpected Encounter

During a hike in the Angeles National Forest, a regular trail took an extraordinary turn when a hiker noticed something peculiar. As he rounded a bend, a massive black shape caught his eye, scaling a cliffside. Intrigued and concerned, he decided to investigate further, unaware of the incredible journey ahead.

Upon closer inspection, the mysterious figure revealed itself to be a dog. Driven by curiosity and compassion, the hiker followed the lone animal. What he discovered next was startling—two more dogs, clearly in distress and malnourished, huddled together in the wilderness.

Determined to help, the hiker spent the following weeks trekking the mountain daily, bringing food and attempting to gain the dogs’ trust. His consistent efforts began to pay off as the dogs, despite their initial fear, started eating from his hand.

The Unseen Watcher: A Hiker's Surprising Discovery in the Wild-1
Source: The Dodo

However, he faced a significant challenge: devising a way to safely rescue the dogs from the mountain. Trapping them individually seemed risky, as the others might flee. He realized he needed assistance to accomplish this mission.

United Effort

When the call for help was made, a dedicated team of rescuers eagerly joined the cause. Together, they formulated a plan involving the creation of a remote-controlled contraption. This inventive solution aimed to safely capture all the dogs at once.

The Unseen Watcher: A Hiker's Surprising Discovery in the Wild-1
Source: The Dodo

The team meticulously transported the necessary equipment up the mountain, constructing a custom makeshift cage large enough for the trio. With patience and precision, they managed to lure the dogs inside and finally carried them to safety.

The relieved dogs, now named Princess George, Grace, and Steve, were safe but faced a long road to recovery. Their journey was far from over, as they needed to learn to trust humans again and adapt to a new environment.

The Unseen Watcher: A Hiker's Surprising Discovery in the Wild-1
Source: The Dodo

Recognizing the need for professional help, the rescuers reached out to Cheri Wulff Lucas, a renowned dog behaviorist. Her expertise was crucial in helping the traumatized dogs overcome their fears.

Building Trust

Under Cheri’s guidance, the dogs began a rigorous training program. Though progress was slow, they started to show signs of improvement. Cheri noted, “They weren’t adoptable the way they came. They couldn’t be touched, they couldn’t be leashed. They were just terrified.”

The Unseen Watcher: A Hiker's Surprising Discovery in the Wild-1
Source: The Dodo

Despite their initial progress, the dogs still exhibited a strong startle reflex, complicating their chances of finding a permanent home. Cheri’s remote property, devoid of traffic and distractions, provided a safe haven for their continued rehabilitation.

Over time, the dogs became an integral part of Cheri’s life, even though she hadn’t planned on keeping them. They not only found a safe and loving environment but also contributed significantly to Cheri’s work as a trainer.

The Unseen Watcher: A Hiker's Surprising Discovery in the Wild-1
Source: The Dodo

These dogs, with their natural social skills, began helping Cheri rehabilitate other dogs. She observed, “They know how to interact properly with other dogs, and they’re just flawless.” This unique ability wasn’t taught but was an innate quality they possessed.

New Beginnings

The pack’s impact was especially evident when Cheri started working with Andi, a dog who had lived in isolation for seven years. Initially, Andi was overwhelmed and fearful, but the presence of Princess George, Grace, and Steve provided much-needed comfort.

The Unseen Watcher: A Hiker's Surprising Discovery in the Wild-1
Source: The Dodo

The trio’s calming influence helped Andi feel at ease, something Cheri couldn’t achieve alone. This heartwarming dynamic led Cheri to adopt Andi, making her the 12th member of her growing pack.

Years later, the transformation of Princess George, Grace, and Steve is remarkable. Looking at them now, one would never guess their tumultuous past. They have become loving pets, indistinguishable from any other dogs.

The Unseen Watcher: A Hiker's Surprising Discovery in the Wild-1
Source: The Dodo

Despite their different personalities—George and Steve’s social nature and Grace’s lingering timidity—the bond they share remains unbreakable. Cheri proudly notes, “They’re really pets now. They’re not cases for me anymore.”


  • Awesome story, but the spelling in a few parts could use some work. Just a heads-up!

  • What a journey! How did Cheri manage to rehabilitate them? Her work sounds fascinating.

  • Carson_Galaxy1

    Such bravery and compassion! Stories like this restore my faith in humanity. Thanks for posting.

  • Gabriella

    Impressed by the dedication! But, why didn’t the hiker call for help sooner? 🤔

  • jaydeninferno

    Wow, amazing effort by everyone involved! Do you know what happened to the dogs after they were rescued?

  • This is so heartwarming! 🥰 Thank you for sharing such an inspiring rescue mission.

  • What an incredible story! How did the hiker manage to gain the dogs’ trust so quickly?

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