August 25, 2024

They Heard Cries From Under The Stairs And Couldn’t Believe What They Found

They Heard Cries From Under The Stairs And Couldn’t Believe What They Found


Unexpected Discovery

A family in Banbury, Connecticut, was taken aback when they heard faint cries that resembled desperate pleas for help. Intrigued and worried, they set out to locate the source of the sound. As they followed the cries, they were led to a concrete porch. They found a mama cat with two kittens nearby, but they weren’t the ones crying.

Determined to solve the mystery, the family continued their search. Their investigation uncovered a small opening between the steps and the house. It seemed wide enough for tiny creatures to slip through. Holding their breath, they waited for the noise to sound again. The cries were indeed coming from the narrow gap.

Realizing the urgency, the family contacted the Danbury Fire Department (DFD) for assistance. The DFD shared on Facebook, “Tonight, a family discovered two small kittens who had fallen between a masonry wall and some pre-cast concrete stairs.” The kittens were trapped too far down to reach, their heads wedged between the concrete.

They Heard Cries From Under The Stairs And Couldn’t Believe What They Found-1
Source: Facebook

Innovative Rescue

Rescuers initially attempted to save the kittens from above, but it became clear that this method wouldn’t work. They quickly devised a new plan. They decided to use rescue airbags and wooden blocks, carefully positioning them between the house and the steps.

The DFD explained, “Utilizing rescue [airbags], just enough force was exerted to add about [a quarter] inch of space, allowing the kittens to fall into the void below the stairs.” The kittens slid further down but fortunately landed unscathed.

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Source: Facebook

With the kittens now on the ground, the DFD team was prepared for the next phase of the rescue. They removed two rocks from an adjoining wall and used a snare to capture the kittens. The mission was nerve-wracking, but the firefighters were relentless.

The moment the fluffy kittens were finally freed was met with cheers from the family and the mama cat watched with relief. The DFD stated, “[The] firefighters removed two rocks in an adjoining wall, and then they were able to reach in with a snare and capture both kittens.”

They Heard Cries From Under The Stairs And Couldn’t Believe What They Found-1
Source: Facebook

Heartfelt Reunion

After the intense rescue mission, the kittens were finally reunited with their family. The joy was palpable as the fluffy little ones were brought back to their mother. The neighborhood shared in the relief and happiness that the kittens were safe.

Everyone present was overjoyed – the family, the firefighters, and even the mama cat who had anxiously watched the entire rescue. The DFD concluded, “The two rogue kittens were reunited with their mom and siblings, and the neighborhood was relieved that the kittens were alright.”

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Source: Facebook

It was a touching moment that highlighted the dedication and compassion of the firefighters and the community’s love for animals. The family couldn’t contain their excitement as they watched the kittens playfully reunite with their siblings.

Lesson Learned

Finally, the little kittens were back with their family, who could not contain their joy. The ordeal served as a valuable lesson, hopefully teaching the kittens to stay away from dangerous spots and stick to playing on the fluffy grass around their home.

They Heard Cries From Under The Stairs And Couldn’t Believe What They Found-1
Source: Facebook

Thanks to the quick thinking and dedication of the firefighting team, the kittens were saved from a perilous situation. The family and neighborhood were immensely grateful for the successful rescue.

As the kittens snuggled up with their mama, the family couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of relief and happiness. This experience will be a tale they remember and share for years to come.

They Heard Cries From Under The Stairs And Couldn’t Believe What They Found-1
Source: Facebook

And so, the neighborhood breathed a collective sigh of relief, knowing those tiny lives were saved, and the family was whole again.


  • Amazing rescue mission! But did they do anything to prevent this from happening again?

  • Great job, DFD! Those kittens are lucky to have such a caring community.

  • Trinity_Serenity

    I’m so relieved the kittens are ok. But why didn’t the family check under the stairs sooner?

  • This is such an inspiring rescue! Thanks to the DFD for saving those adorable kittens. 🐾

  • How on earth did those kittens even get stuck there in the first place? Cats are so curious!

  • WillowGenesis

    Wow, what a touching story! Kudos to the firefighters for their quick thinking and dedication. 🐱❤️

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