May 28, 2024

Tiny Police Hero’s Final Heartbreaking Goodbye Will Leave You in Tears

Tiny Police Hero's Final Heartbreaking Goodbye Will Leave You in Tears


A Unique Duo in Law Enforcement

When picturing a police dog, most think of large breeds like German Shepherds. However, Midge, a Rat Terrier Chihuahua mix, defied expectations, demonstrating that even small dogs can excel in law enforcement. For sixteen years, she partnered with Sheriff Dan McClelland, becoming an inseparable team in Geauga County, Ohio.

Despite Dan’s battle with a brain tumor, Midge never left his side. She remained loyal, proving their bond was unbreakable. In an overwhelming twist, Midge passed away just six hours after Dan did, leaving everyone in disbelief at their enduring connection.

Dan’s colleagues shared this poignant story with News5 Cleveland, underscoring the depth of the relationship between the sheriff and his tiny partner. Their story is a testament to the power of loyalty and love between humans and animals.

The partnership between Dan and Midge wasn’t just professional but profoundly personal. They were always seen together, working side by side, solving numerous cases and challenging the stereotype that small dogs can’t be effective police canines.

A Record-Breaking Police Dog

Midge wasn’t just any police dog; she was the world’s smallest certified police dog, earning her a spot in the Guinness Book of Records. Dan took immense pride in this achievement, often boasting about his tiny but mighty partner’s capabilities.

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Source: YouTube

Officer Hildenbrand reminisced about their bond, saying, “She was with him 24/7. She was with him all day long at work.” Their constant companionship was a source of admiration and inspiration for many.

Despite her size, Midge performed her duties with exceptional skill and dedication. Her unique presence in the police force broke barriers and proved that determination and heart matter more than size.

Their story continues to inspire, reminding us that true partnership knows no bounds. Midge’s place in the Guinness Book of Records wasn’t just a title; it was a symbol of her extraordinary contributions to law enforcement.

End of an Era

After over four decades of service, Dan’s battle with an inoperable brain tumor led to his retirement. Yet, Midge stayed by his side throughout his ordeal, exemplifying unwavering loyalty.

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Source: YouTube

It was unimaginable for their colleagues to think of a day without Dan and Midge at the station. Their absence left a void that was hard to fill, a testament to their impact on the community.

Dan’s passing marked the end of an era. His family and colleagues struggled to come to terms with the loss, finding solace in the memories of his and Midge’s partnership.

Even in his final moments, Dan’s love for Midge was evident. Their bond transcended the physical, leaving an indelible mark on all who knew them.

A Heartbreaking Farewell

Just six hours after Dan’s passing, Midge’s heart gave out as well. The grief of losing her lifelong partner was too much for her to bear. Their separation, though brief, was too poignant for this small but mighty dog.

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Source: YouTube

Officer Hildenbrand likened their passing to a couple married for decades, who couldn’t live without each other. “I kind of equate it to the couple that’s been married seventy years and then pass away within hours of one another,” he said.

Their story is a powerful reminder of the deep connections we share with our pets. It’s a bond that often transcends life itself, as demonstrated by Midge and Dan’s final moments.

The two were buried together, a fitting tribute to their lifelong partnership. Their legacy as a team lives on, inspiring countless others with their story of love, loyalty, and dedication.


  • charlotte

    This is really sad, but why wasn’t more done to save Dan? Just wondering.

  • It’s amazing what small dogs can do! Midge was such a hero. 💖

  • OMG, I can’t stop crying! Such loyalty and love. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. 🙏

  • This story is so touching. How did Midge and Dan first meet? 💔

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