July 26, 2024

Watch This Rescued Pittie Blossom Into a Regal Princess Thanks to Her Loving Foster

Watch This Rescued Pittie Blossom Into a Regal Princess Thanks to Her Loving Foster


The Struggles of Roo

Life had been tough for Roo, a stray pittie, who faced an unrelenting battle for survival. Her days were filled with uncertainty, and every night she endured the discomfort of sleeping on cold, hard surfaces, which led to severe skin conditions.

Roo’s fur became scabby due to mange, leaving her in a desperate state. Despite her hardships, she never gave up and continued to push forward.

Her fortune took a turn when compassionate rescuers from North Carolina spotted her. They quickly brought her to a shelter, providing her with a much-needed sanctuary.

At the shelter, Roo’s condition was evident. She needed help to overcome her struggles and find her true self once again.

Watch This Rescued Pittie Blossom Into a Regal Princess Thanks to Her Loving Foster-1
Source: The Dodo

Roo’s New Foster

When Veronica heard Roo’s heartbreaking story, she knew she had to act. She decided to foster this sweet pittie and offer her a chance at a better life.

Upon bringing Roo home, Veronica noticed something unusual. Roo had a habit of crawling on the ground, a behavior uncommon in dogs.

Veronica shared with The Dodo, “She was actually pretty timid and shy at first. She wasn’t quite sure about making eye contact, but you could still tell that she was curious and wanted attention.”

Watch This Rescued Pittie Blossom Into a Regal Princess Thanks to Her Loving Foster-1
Source: The Dodo

Determined to help Roo adjust, Veronica worked on slowly integrating her into the family, starting with brief interactions with her other dog, Riot. Roo’s wagging tail during their encounters was a promising sign.

Steps Towards Recovery

For the initial days, Veronica carefully facilitated playtime between Roo and Riot. Though progress was slow, Roo began to open up.

Veronica noted Roo’s poor condition, saying, “She had mange, and it had developed to a point where her skin was really scabby. She was also really skinny.”

Watch This Rescued Pittie Blossom Into a Regal Princess Thanks to Her Loving Foster-1
Source: The Dodo

Addressing these issues, Veronica gave Roo medicated baths and improved her diet, helping her gain weight and restore her health.

Through dedicated care and patience, Roo started to transform, enjoying more interaction and playtime with Riot.

Roo Has Changed Completely

Weeks later, the change in Roo was remarkable. She thrived under Veronica’s care, becoming healthier and happier.

Watch This Rescued Pittie Blossom Into a Regal Princess Thanks to Her Loving Foster-1
Source: The Dodo

Roo’s demand for affection grew, showing her newfound love for her foster mom. She and Riot became inseparable, with Riot teaching her how to embrace her inner dog.

Veronica found joy in Roo’s playful behavior, noting how her name fittingly reflected her personality, with her hopping and quirky sounds.

With a heavy heart but immense pride, Veronica placed Roo on the adoption list. Just a few days ago, Roo found her forever home with a family that truly adores her. Veronica’s bittersweet farewell was filled with happiness for Roo’s bright future.


  • Nathaniel

    Veronica deserves all the praise. How do I donate to the shelter that rescued Roo?

  • Roo looks so happy in the photos! How long did it take for her to recover?

  • Such an inspiring story. It’s amazing what love can do for a dog in need.

  • JasperOdyssey

    This post made my day. Love seeing happy endings for rescues!

  • What kind of diet did Veronica use to help Roo gain weight?

  • DylanLegend

    Veronica, you are an angel for giving Roo a second chance. Thank you!

  • This story is so heartwarming! How is Roo doing now? 🐶❤️

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