May 30, 2024

When Your Dog Crashes Your Therapy Session for an Unexpected Reason!

When Your Dog Crashes Your Therapy Session for an Unexpected Reason!


Hera’s Unexpected Therapy Debut

Hera, an 11-year-old rescue dog, never imagined her life could change so drastically. Rescued from a puppy mill by her loving owner, Isabelle, Hera found happiness and safety in her new home. However, things took an interesting turn when Isabelle began her online therapy sessions.

Isabelle’s therapy sessions were meant to be private, but Hera had other plans. Intrigued by the person on the screen, Hera couldn’t help but get involved. Hera’s curiosity led her to make frequent appearances during the sessions, much to the amusement of Isabelle’s therapist.

From the very first session, Hera made her presence known. She would pop her head in front of the camera, eager to greet the therapist. The therapist, charmed by Hera’s enthusiasm, welcomed her into the sessions. Hera became an unexpected participant in Isabelle’s therapy journey.

Isabelle shared with Newsweek, “Hera loves to be involved in anything I’m doing and wants to be with me all the time. When I do therapy, she is just happy to be included.” This newfound routine brought a unique dynamic to the therapy sessions, making them even more special.

A Viral Sensation

One day, while waiting for the therapist, Hera decided it was her turn to take the spotlight. Impatiently pawing at the computer, she made it clear she had something to say. Isabelle couldn’t help but laugh at Hera’s determination to be part of the conversation.

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Source: TikTok

Isabelle recalled, “My therapist was a couple minutes late, and Hera kept trying to paw the computer. She was waiting so impatiently like she was waiting for her session.” This adorable moment quickly went viral, capturing the hearts of many on social media.

Thousands of viewers on TikTok were charmed by Hera’s antics. Her impatience and eagerness to be involved in the therapy sessions resonated with many pet owners. Hera’s video became a viral hit, spreading smiles and laughter across the internet.

The social media reaction was overwhelmingly positive. People shared similar experiences with their pets during therapy sessions, creating a sense of community. Isabelle noted, “The social-media reaction has been awesome as it’s been validating and also funny. Other people have shared similar scenarios with their pets during therapy.”

The Benefits of Therapy

Isabelle’s decision to pursue therapy was a significant step towards improving her mental health. Online therapy offered convenience and flexibility, making it easier for her to attend sessions. Hera’s involvement added an unexpected but welcome twist to the process.

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Source: Isabelle Glancy

The presence of pets in therapy sessions can have a calming effect. Hera’s participation brought a sense of joy and comfort to Isabelle. The bond between them grew stronger, and the therapy sessions became a shared experience. Hera’s presence highlighted the therapeutic benefits of having pets involved.

Hera’s story also shed light on the importance of therapy and mental health. By sharing their experiences, Isabelle and Hera encouraged others to seek help and not feel ashamed about needing support. Therapy became more approachable and relatable through their story.

As a result, many viewers felt inspired to open up about their own therapy journeys. The positive impact of Hera’s involvement extended beyond the sessions, fostering a sense of openness and acceptance. Hera’s story became a symbol of hope and encouragement for many.

A Bright Future Ahead

Hera’s online fame continues to grow, and she remains a beloved figure on social media. Her playful nature and determination to be part of her owner’s life make her a standout star. Hera’s antics never fail to bring joy to her followers.

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Source: TikTok

This isn’t the first time Hera has captured the public’s attention. She has been featured in various online posts, each showcasing her unique personality. Whether it’s her dramatic reactions or her loving nature, Hera always manages to entertain.

For Isabelle, Hera is more than just a pet; she is a source of comfort and happiness. Their bond is unbreakable, and Hera’s involvement in the therapy sessions only strengthens it. Hera’s love and loyalty are unwavering.

Hera’s story serves as a reminder of the joy and support pets can bring into our lives. Whether she’s promoting the importance of therapy or simply being her adorable self, Hera continues to inspire and uplift those around her. Hera, the pawtastic Pitbull mix, is here to stay.


  • mackenzie_echoes

    Wow, this is incredible! I’ve always believed pets have a therapeutic effect. Hera is proof of that!

  • aubreyfatespeaker

    Did Isabelle’s therapist ever suggest involving Hera more directly in the sessions? Maybe she can become a therapy dog officially!

  • KylieUmbra

    LOL, Hera waiting impatiently for her session is the cutest thing I’ve heard all day! Must watch the TikTok video now!

  • Thank you for sharing this story! Pets truly have a special way of making everything better. Hera is an inspiration! ❤️

  • Isn’t it distracting to have a dog during therapy sessions? I feel like I wouldn’t be able to concentrate.

  • EzekielZen

    This is adorable! My cat always tries to join my Zoom meetings too. Does Hera get any treats for behaving well?

  • SadieEnchantress

    OMG! Hera sounds like such a sweetheart! How does Isabelle manage to keep her focused during therapy sessions? 😊

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