September 12, 2024

Woman’s Heart Races After Finding Abandoned Deaf Pup Near Pole

Woman's Heart Races After Finding Abandoned Deaf Pup Near Pole


In countless stories about dogs with disabilities, the recurring theme of neglect and abuse by their owners is heartbreaking. These dogs often end up losing trust in humans due to their harsh experiences.

One such case involved an endearing deaf pit bull, left abandoned near a utility pole in Atlanta. His spirit seemed almost entirely broken, unaware that his life was about to take a positive turn.

She Lost All Hope

While walking by, a compassionate woman spotted Wally lying motionless on the ground. Initially, she thought he was simply dejected, having been abandoned.

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Source: @schnellss

Curious and concerned, she convinced her partner to go back and check on him. She cautiously approached the pup, fearing the worst.

Relief washed over her as she noticed his gentle breathing. She tapped on the ground, waking him up, realizing then that the sweet pittie was deaf.

Wally seemed bewildered but delighted to see someone. His tail began wagging, filled with hope that these strangers might help him.

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Source: @schnellss

New Hope For Wally

Upon bringing Wally home, his rescuer gave him a soothing bath and nutritious food to help him regain strength.

She was pleasantly surprised by how quickly he adapted to his new environment, always eager for cuddles and playtime, suggesting he once experienced a loving home.

Realizing the need for a thorough check-up, they took Wally to a vet to search for any signs of a previous owner.

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Source: @schnellss

After grooming and medicating him, the vets scanned for a microchip. When none was found, they shared his story online, hoping to find his original family.

A New Beginning

Although no one claimed him, a remarkable turn of events occurred; a woman expressed her desire to adopt Wally after seeing his story.

This news was a beacon of hope for Wally. He was on the brink of finding a forever home filled with love and attention.

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Source: @schnellss

With the adoption process completed, Wally began living his best life, thanks to his dedicated rescuers and his new loving caretaker.

Despite his difficult past, Wally’s joy in finding a new home was palpable, showing his immense capacity to forgive and trust once more.


  • So heartwarming! My dog is also deaf and he’s the best companion ever. 🥰

  • LucasDelta7

    Why didn’t the previous owners microchip him? That could have saved a lot of trouble!

  • Wow, what a rollercoaster of emotions! I’m so happy he found his forever home.

  • This made me shed a tear. Thank you to the kind woman who saved him. ❤️

  • Wally is such a sweetie! Does anyone know how he’s doing now?

  • Incredible! How can people be so heartless to abandon a deaf pup? 😡

  • What a touching story! I’m so glad Wally found a loving home. 🐾

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