August 1, 2024

You Won’t Believe Where This Dachshund Hides His Snacks!

You Won't Believe Where This Dachshund Hides His Snacks!


The Most Obvious Hiding Spot

Unlike other dogs who dig up the backyard or hide treats under furniture, Rocky, a Dachshund with a unique personality, chooses a spot that’s hilariously obvious. Despite not being a fan of treats, when he does get one, he hides it in a place you’d never think to look—or maybe you would!

Rocky is quite selective about his food and doesn’t eat unless he’s hungry. When he’s not in the mood to eat, he hides his treats. But instead of opting for a hidden corner or under the couch, Rocky chooses a spot that’s downright amusing.

Curious about Rocky’s favorite hiding place? It’s so out in the open it’s almost invisible. Yes, Rocky hides his treats right under the blanket he sleeps on. It’s a spot that’s both ingenious and laughable.

Whenever Rocky decides to save his treat for later, he buries it under his blanket, thinking no one will ever find it there. And surprisingly, it often works because who would think to look there first?

A Dachshund’s Instincts

Rocky is a typical Dachshund with a strong prey drive. Even though it’s been centuries since this breed was used for hunting, that instinct is still very much alive in him. This makes his hiding antics even more fascinating and entertaining.

You Won't Believe Where This Dachshund Hides His Snacks!-1
Source: Instagram

Adopted by Michelle and her fiancé, Rocky quickly became an integral part of their family. Although he’s a picky eater, his new parents soon learned his preferences and feeding schedule, making life with Rocky enjoyable and predictable.

Michelle shared that Rocky, like many dogs, enjoys playing fetch and digging holes, but his most endearing habit is how he hides his treats. Despite being a poor hider, his attempts are always endearing.

Rocky’s hiding spot is so poorly chosen that it’s become a source of laughter for his family. Michelle even posted a TikTok video showcasing Rocky’s hilarious hiding strategy, which quickly went viral.

Rocky’s Viral Fame

Rocky’s antics have gained him quite a following on social media. His TikTok video showing his unique hiding spot has amused many, making him an internet sensation. People can’t get enough of this adorable Dachshund and his quirky habits.

You Won't Believe Where This Dachshund Hides His Snacks!-1
Source: TikTok

Michelle and Rocky also have an Instagram account where they share daily updates and adorable videos. Their followers eagerly anticipate each new post, which often features Rocky’s latest antics and adventures.

Rocky isn’t just a social media star; he’s also an experienced traveler. He has flown across the globe multiple times, making him quite the seasoned traveler. He handles flights with ease, much to the delight of his followers.

Despite his picky eating habits, Rocky enjoys life to the fullest, thanks to his loving owners who ensure he has the best experiences. However, his tendency to hide treats under his blanket remains his most charming quirk.

Rocky’s Quirky Habits

Rocky’s love for hiding treats under his blanket has become a signature move. His family knows to check there first whenever they can’t find one of his bones. It’s a habit that’s both endearing and comical.

You Won't Believe Where This Dachshund Hides His Snacks!-1
Source: Instagram

However, this funny habit comes with a caution. While Rocky enjoys bones, it’s important to be careful about the types of bones given to dogs. Chicken bones, for instance, can splinter and cause serious harm.

Experts suggest that while bones can provide essential minerals and stimulate saliva enzymes, they also pose risks such as broken teeth and choking. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose safer treat options for dogs.

Rocky’s picky eating and hilarious hiding habits ensure he’s always the center of attention. His quirks make him not only a lovable pet but also a source of endless entertainment for his family and followers.


  • elenanebulae

    This story made my day! Thank you for the laughs and cute photos of Rocky.

  • That’s so funny! I guess his hiding spot is like his little secret stash.

  • EliInfinity2

    Omg, I love Rocky’s hiding spot! My dachshund hides snacks in my shoes. 😅

  • Why do you think Rocky chooses such an obvious spot? Is it just for comfort?

  • This is adorable! Thanks for sharing Rocky’s quirky habits with us!

  • LOL, my dog does the same thing! They think they’re such clever hiders.

  • RyanLegend

    Rocky is such a cutie! How did you find out about his hiding spot under the blanket? 😄

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